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如果你使用了我的电脑,就会觉得你自己的是个冒牌货。If you used my computer, you would think yours was fake.

不过,那里卖的设计师品牌,绝大多数都是冒牌货。But the majority of designer products sold in Iran are fake.

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那些我买的床单是冒牌货,它们铺在床上太短。These sheets I've bought are a cheat, they are too short for the bed.

实事求是有冒牌货,谨防假冒,所以呢,非有防伪标志不可。To warn everyone about that, an anti-counterfeit label must be attached to it.

他在专业方面很成功,但他常暗自认为是个冒牌货。He succeeded in his profession, but he always secretly considered himself an impostor.

而Facebook方称一份合同的影印版,作为一项诉讼提出,简直就是“冒牌货”。Facebook says a photocopy of the contract, filed as an exhibit to the lawsuit, is phony.

格雷斯,亚马逊已经停售了很多中国的冒牌货。阿里巴巴没有。你自己去调查一下。Grace Amazon has put a stop to a lot of Chinese knockoffs. Alibaba has not. Research it yourself.

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去年,购物中心的圣诞老人则是遭到了人身攻击,一群小混混说他是“骗子、冒牌货”。Last year, the centre's Father Christmas was set upon by youths calling him a "fraud and a fake."

也许他们是冒牌货,他们假装象是,除非你不熟悉老挝人。Maybe they are an FOB? Most FOB tend to act like unless you're not familiar with Laotian you self.

弘水谷称,在某场婚礼中,新郎的所有三十位亲朋好友和同事都是“冒牌货”。At one wedding, all 30 of the family, friends and coworkers of the groom were fakes, Mizutani said.

报告还表示2007年被中国海关巡查员查获的冒牌货金额增加了两倍。It also said that the value of fakes seized by Chinese customs inspectors more than doubled in 2007.

淑梅拿着名牌手袋回公司,却被市场部的女同事说是冒牌货。Shu mei with designer hand bags back to the company, has been marketing of female colleagues say fake.

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他们告诉一部分志愿者这些眼镜是真品,又告诉剩下的人说眼镜是冒牌货。They told some of the volunteers that the sunglasses were real, and others that they were counterfeit.

要么,摸安排者称利用切尔西公寓健女性是个“冒牌货”,并健是覃正健希拉里。However, critics say the woman who emerged from Chelsea's apartment was a lookalike and not the real deal.

“手眼通天的掠夺者”—“邪恶力量”—“老海盗”—“蹩脚的冒牌货,就像他的报纸一样蹩脚”。"A very able buccaneer"--"a sinister force"--"an old pirate"--"schlock, just like his papers are schlock. "

尽管很难从网站上的照片来辨别这些纸购物袋是否为真,但相信其中绝大多数都是冒牌货。It is hard to tell whether the paper bags are authentic from the photos on the websites, but most are imitations.

当然冒牌货还是让一小撮人很不爽,比如这个叫盖尔,凯蒂的英国老女人。来自多西特的莱姆。里吉斯。Yet that copycat feeling has irked some people, not least Gail Caddy from Lyme Regis in Dorset, southwest England.

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“我们阳澄湖大闸蟹的价格本来还能再高点,但是冒牌货把价格拉下来的,”她说。"The price for our Yangcheng Lake crabs could have been higher, but the fakes ones keep the price the down, " she says.

小杨同学穿着令人嫉妒的GUCCI名牌衣服,我们都很嫉妒他时尚的服装。但后来发现是贴了GUCCI商标的冒牌货。GUCCI clothes and we are envious of his fashionable dress. But later we find out they are only fake ones with GUCCI label.

文图拉海港地区的住宅和商户屋顶上有许多假猫头鹰,那是为了对付那些经常光顾的海鸥的。可海鸥们却根本不把这些冒牌货当一回事。Gulls are attracted to the tops of buildings because they are safe places and the rooftops give them a clear view of the area.