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街上张灯结彩以进行庆祝。The streets were illuminated for the celebration.

元宵节这天到处张灯结彩,喜气洋洋。Lantern Festival day everywhere decorated, beaming.

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全体工作人同结队走过张灯结彩的院子。The staff trooped through the gaily decorated court.

所有城市的闹市区都为圣诞张灯结彩。The downtowns of all cities were lighted for Christmas.

今天是大年初一,外面张灯结彩、普天同庆,热闹极了!Today is New Year's Day, the outside decorated, celebrate, extremely busy!

我们盼望已久的英语开放周到了,校园里张灯结彩。Our long-awaited opening of English and thoughtful, and the campus decorated.

虽然天公不作美,但我们的心情依旧很HAPPY,校园里张灯结彩,四处奔波着我们的身影。Though, but we still feel very HAPPY, decorated the campus, running around our figure.

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耶路撒冷一座老城内的街道上张灯结彩,此举是为了迎接即将到来的斋月。An alley of Jerusalem's old city shimmers with festive lights in preparation for Ramadan.

全美各地的人们都在张灯结彩庆祝圣诞节。Across the United States, people use lights and decorations to mark the Christmas holidays.

1995年5月18日,篁园路上中国小商品城内外张灯结彩,人群熙攘。On May 18,1995 the China Commodity City on Huangyuan Road was decorated brightly and crowded.

今年也不例外,到处都是张灯结彩,好一派过年的景象。This year was no exception, everywhere decorated, good school of the Chinese New Year picture.

大街上张灯结彩,处处洋溢着欢乐的气氛。The New Year decorations are seen in the street and an atmosphere of happiness prevails everywhere.

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学校门口张灯结彩,大红的灯笼,彩色的条幅,管乐队正迎着太阳演奏。The school gate decorations, bright red lantern, colored banners, wind band is playing against the SUNS.

街道上处处张灯结彩,十分热闹,家家户户贴着“倒福”、挂着灯笼。On streets everywhere, decorated, very lively, and every household close to the "down-fu", hanging lanterns.

每到春节,人们喜贴春联,敲锣打鼓,张灯结彩,辞旧迎新的活动热闹非凡。Every Spring Festival, the preferred couplets, pounding on drums, decorated, crowded with New Year's activities.

有的人只是把它看作一年中商店里和人们家里张灯结彩的一个节日。To some it is just a time of the year when we see many colorful decorations appear in the stores and in some homes.

圣诞节前夕,家家户户张灯结彩,充满佳节的热闹气氛。At Christmas Eve, every family decorated their houses with lanterns and streamers and it was very festive everywhere.

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成亲那天,孟家张灯结彩,宾客满堂,一派喜气洋洋的情景。On the wedding day, the Meng house was lit with lanterns and colored banners, and was jam-packed with guests – it was a joyous scene.

春节期间乌镇的老街张灯结彩,门上贴春联,墙上贴年画。During the Spring Festival, the streets in Wuzhen are illuminated for the celebration. People put up posters on their doors and walls.

盛京皇宫里张灯结彩各国使者敬献礼物,皇太极见到金朱元红肿的脸,询问后知道了是多尔衮所为。Shengjing imperial palace in decorating their messengers tribute gift, huang taiji meet jin zhu yuan red face, dourgen know after asking.