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你走错房间了,小兔崽子!You picked the wrong house, fool!

我要宰了你个兔崽子!I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!

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我一定要宰了这兔崽子。I will definitely kill him this time.

你见识过我宰过多少个兔崽子么?You see how many bitches I done killed?

然后一些兔崽子狙击手就开始射击我们。And some sniper, bastard, started shooting.

我得看着我哥哥家的小兔崽子!Because I have to watch my brother's rug rats.

或者家里的那几个小兔崽子好好做作业了还是去看电视了?Are the kids doing their homework or watching television?

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如果我不读书,我会象吴老师一样买只兔崽子。If I didn't study, I would buy a baby rabbit like Mr. WU.

现在我们决不能忍受这群长着脓包、喝醉了的小兔崽子们的无礼举动。Now, we won't submit to impertinence from these pimply, tipsy virgins.

这帮小兔崽子对美国没有丝毫畏惧,只能将此归咎与美国了。These little jerks aren't the least bit afraid of us and we have only us to blame.

兔崽子,我没有现在就立刻干掉你,你真的是很幸运,你笨到以为你可以用这样的口气对你的大酋长说话?You are lucky that I don't gut you right here, whelp. You are foolish to think that you can speak to your Warchief in such ways.

“实话说,”大师挖苦道,“那小兔崽子读了那么多,我都搞不懂他究竟有没有时间去知。”"Truth to tell", said the Master wryly, "the fellow reads so much I don't see how he could ever find the time to know anything".

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水晶李追逐的一个兔崽子到校上课后,她得到了在世界杯自由式滑雪空中在卡尔加里2011年1月29日滑雪比赛竞争。Crystal Lee chases a jackrabbit that got onto the course after she competed in the World Cup freestyle aerials skiing competition in Calgary January 29, 2011.