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但是他的理想却是虚无飘渺的。But his ideal is in air.

具有了一种虚无飘渺的模糊美。Have a kind of fuzzy beauty though.

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弗兰克有许多想法,但它们只不过是虚无飘渺的梦想。Frank has a lot of ideas, but they are merely stardust.

我还有一点很好奇,就是在这种虚无飘渺的状态之下,我们将用什么样的方式交流呢?I am also curious to know what types of communication will be allowed in ethereal form.

你的用色方案是保持一定的合理性和连贯性的吗,或者,仅是一种虚无飘渺、杂乱无章的色彩?Is your color scheme logical and consistent, or is your site a random rainbow of colors?

马克如果处在他的位置,就会把半辈子时光花在追求一些完全虚无飘渺的事物上。If Mark had been is his place, he would have been pursuing a wild will-o'-the –wisp half his life.

我真的不知道如何面对一个又一个人生的选择,也不知道那虚无飘渺的幸福究竟是在什么地方。I really do not know how to deal with one another life choice , do not know what happiness is illusory where.

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黑色之光使我们平衡稳定,使我们不自然进入虚无飘渺的无意识状态。Black Light gives us balance and stability, so that we do not enter the illusory nature of the unconscious state.

他那双清澈、蓝色的大眼睛,虽然形状和颜色都和俨娃的完全相同,却没有她那种深湛而虚无飘渺的神采。In the large, clear blue eyes, though in form and color exactly similar, there was wanting that misty dreamy depth of expression.

我开始与比奇这一家人住的时候,我相信生活根本就是不公平的,爱是虚无飘渺、靠不住的。By the time I went to live with the Beaches, I believed that life was entirely unfair and that love was tenuous and untrustworthy.

斯蒂芬精神抖擞地说,那不外乎就是一个人由于死亡,由于不在,由于形态的变化而消失到虚无飘渺中去。Stephen said with tingling energy. One who has faded into impalpability through death, through absence, through change of manners.

曾经虚无飘渺的受欢迎度如今也可以通过搜索引擎和互联网的数据记录在案。What was once ethereal and fleeting, the adoration of strangers, is now recorded for digital posterity in search engines and Web forums.

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虚无飘渺的海市蜃楼是一种非常奇妙的自然现象,其是由特定条件下大气的折射和全反射引起的。Dynamic mirages are very beautiful nature phenomena, which are caused by the atmospheric refraction and total internal reflection in some special conditions.

另外一方面是他精巧地将色彩运用在嘴唇和面部上,增加了画面微妙的透视感,使虚无飘渺的佛更加人性化。Another is his subtle use of color on the lips and the faces, which adds both a subtle perspective and a humanizing aspect to the ethereal nature of the Buddha.

当今世界,已经进入文化敏感时代,企业文化对于激烈的市场份额争夺来说,不再是一个虚无飘渺的东西,而是一件锐利无比的武器。Today's world, has entered the era of cultural sensitivity, corporate culture for the fierce battle for market share, is no longer a vague thing, but a sharper weapon.

这种中国古典城楼出现在云水之间,有一种仙山琼廊的意象,为画家营造超现实情境增添了虚无飘渺的诗意。This classical Chinese architecture appeares in between cloud and water, like images in wonderland, adding untangible poetic colors for him to create surrealistic atmosphere.