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吉姆将罪责推脱得一干二净。Jim kissed off all raps.

昨晚我输得一干二净。Last night,I got cleaned.

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猫把盘子舔得一干二净。The cat licked the dish clean.

那天是她的生日,可我忘得一干二净。I clean forgot it was her birthday.

美的效用劫得一干二净!And every beauty robbed of his effect.

我干在那儿,把台词忘得是一干二净,太可怕了。I just dried out there, it was terrible.

我把我们的结婚纪念日忘得一干二净。Our wedding anniversary completely slipped my mind.

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他们二人对酌,把一瓶高粱酒喝得一干二净。They drank and had a very bottle of Kaoliang spirit.

然而,现在所有这些设备都被墨西哥湾吞噬得一干二净。Now all of that had been swallowed by the Gulf of Mexico.

我盼着他死,这样才能把他忘得一干二净!I wish he would die, and then I could forget him completely!

他们二人对酌,把一瓶高粱酒喝得一干二净。They two drink together and finish a bottle of Grain Licker.

然后华盛顿欢呼着庆祝对其统治的颠覆,而过去则被擦的一干二净。Then Washington hailed his overthrow while the past was erased.

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水槽空了,所有的水都通过漩涡而流得一干二净。As the sink empties, all of its water passes through the spiral.

但住在一个俄国人的家里,有时真够将这事忘得一干二净了。But sometimes, living in a Russian home is enough to give it away.

孰料老太太却推得一干二净,“这个不干我事。”Guessed that the old lady but the pretexts, "the quit my business."

他拼命搜索他的脑袋,老想找出那道早被忘得一干二净的护身符咒。He sought in his heAD for an incantation that had faded clean away.

一切迴光反照般,戏剧性地回到了原点。最后你把我忘得一干二净。It's gone back to a white paper. Finally u would forget me totally.

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他们二人对酌,把一瓶高粱酒喝得一干二净。They drink wine face to face and drink a bottle of Gaoling wine out.

威尔伯跑出去,飞快的吃掉了所有东西,还把食槽舔得一干二净。Wilbur rushed out, ate everything in a hurry, and licked the trough.

这封信你本应上星期回,但你忘得一干二净。It is letter you should answer last week, but it passed out of your mind.