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毕门庭。Yadar Bi Menting.

第三,联读悟写,改换门庭。Third, the joint reading of Jones writing changed, but so.

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南非富裕的黑人就像所有白人一样,门庭宽敞。Almost all whites in South Africa live behind gates, as do well-to-do blacks.

持不同意见者为此脱胎换骨或者转换门庭,领袖们就是救世主。This transforms dissenters into apostates or heretics, and leaders into redeemers.

当意呆利改换门庭的时候,一些意呆利人不想向德国人投降。Some Italians decided to not surrender to Germans when their country changed sides.

因为不受重视,他打算改换门庭,另投他人。Because he's not receiving attention, he plans to switch allegiance to a new master.

很快他们将必须做出选择,是将这个豪华车系的销量减半,还是放弃林肯另改门庭?Soon they will have to decide whether to double down on the luxury line or walk away.

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一些老牌政党要么改换门庭,要么被新兴的政党所取代。Some used to be dominating parties either replaced by new ones or changed their titles.

半年后该公司改换门庭并登陆美国OTCBB市场。This company changes after half an year door front courtyard lands American OTCBB market.

青年人,你在不朽的驭手陪同下,乘着高车驷马来到我的门庭,十分欢迎!Welcome, O youth, that come to my abode on the car that bears you tended by immortal charioteers!

然而,弗林斯今天承认他很可能会在2007-08赛季改换门庭,转投尤文图斯摩下。However, Frings has today admitted that a Turin switch may be on the cards for the 2007-08 campaign.

当参议员加里哈特竞选失败时,他的大多数支持者在区区几个星期之中就开始改换门庭了。When Senator Gary Hart crashed and burned, most of his people caught on somewhere else in a few weeks.

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你存心拿玷辱门庭的婚姻来把忤逆和荒淫的杯子注满吗?You intend to fill up the cup of disobedience and profligacy by forming a low and disgraceful marriage?

他希望能够说服这位荷兰中场球员改换门庭为土耳其效力。Hiddink is hoping to convince the midfielder to switch his international allegiance from Holland to Turkey.

用户对搜索结果十分满意,觉得没有改换门庭的必要。Users are simply satisfied with the search results they are getting right now and don't see the need to switch.

阿富汗官员说,阿北部50名塔利班武装人员18日改换门庭,加入政府武装力量。Afghan officials say 50 Taliban fighters in northern Afghanistan who changed, but so 18, joined the armed forces.

门庭内外花似锦,流水淙淙伴清风,就是一走进旅舍大堂的感觉。Both inside and outside is filled with flowers, running waters and breeze. This is the wonderful feeling you will have.

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索尼娅走到通往粮仓的走廊上,尼古拉说他觉得很热,急忙向正门庭阶走去。Sonya went out into the corridor to go to the granary. Nikolay hastily went out to the front porch, saying he was too hot.

最近有一个震惊华府的动向,宾夕法尼亚州资深共和党参议员阿伦·斯佩科特改换门庭。In a move that has stunned Washington, D. C. , longtime Pennsylvania Republican Senator Arlen Specter has switched parties.

公司本着诚信做事,永续经营的原则,热忱地为社会各界塑造更加完美的理想门庭。Companies to work in good faith, the principle of sustainable development, enthusiasm for the community to shape a more perfect ideal doors.