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土豚是夜行动物。Aardvarks are nocturnal.

土豚生活在整个的非洲南撒哈拉大沙漠。Aardvarks live throughout Africa, south of the Sahara.

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一般而言,雌性土豚每年产一胎。In general, females produce a litter every year aardvark.

随意的看上一眼土豚的身躯和它那长长的猪形鼻子,我们立刻就会想起猪。A glimpse of the aardvark's body and long snout brings the pig to mind.

很久以前在土豚项目中我就已经解决了相同的问题。I already solved the same problem on the Aardvark project a long time ago.

有趣的是,就从字典的第一页开始,“土豚”的形象跳入了我的脑海。Funny thing, from the dictionary first page right now, that "aardvark" spring to my mind.

近日,美国佛罗里达州坦帕的布什花园的一头无毛土豚宝宝首次亮相。Recently, the United States, Florida, Bush Gardens in Tampa, a hairless baby aardvark debut.

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旱季时,土豚嗅出饱含着水的蜜瓜,便往深处挖掘以解口渴。In the dry season, aardvarks sniff out the watery melons, digging deep to quench their thirst.

其它几种食蚁兽这样的动物,如穿山甲、土豚、针鼹等,以蚂蚁为食。Any of several other animals, including the echidna , aardvark, and pangolin, that feed on ants.

尽管土豚和这些动物根本就没一丁点联系,可是还是长着一对兔耳还有一根袋鼠的尾巴。It boasts rabbitlike ears and a kangaroo tail—yet the aardvark is related to none of these animals.

这头土豚宝宝还没有名字,而它也是北美所有公园中仅有的35头土豚中的一员。This is the first aardvark baby has no name, but it is also the only all parks in North America 35 in an aardvark.

三分之二的美国人使用谷歌查找信息,从土豚芳香剂到合子分裂,无所不包。Two-thirds of Americans use Google to look for information on everything from aardvark aromatics to zygotic cleavage.

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土豚的鼻孔可以闭合一来可以防尘二来可以防止昆虫的侵入,皮厚到足以视叮咬如瘙痒。It can close its nostrils to keep dust and insects from invading its snout, and its thick skin protects it from bites.

然而在喝水的过程中,口渴的土豚也会吸出一些喜欢窖藏的种子,而这些种子之后会被排在丰饶的肥料里。In the process, however, the thirsty aardvarks also sip up a few pit-like seeds, which they later deposit inside fertilizing manure.

非洲的瓜通过让土豚口水直流,而不惜麻烦的深挖土壤,让少数紧锁其中的种子解放出来。An African melon has a mouth-watering method of convincing aardvarks to go to the trouble of tunneling deep into the earth to liberate a few tough pits.

在草原上和森林中捕食的土豚,也被唤作“蚁熊”,有时一晚上可以跋涉几英里就是为了去端掉大型的白蚁巢穴。While foraging in grasslands and forests aardvarks, also called "antbears, " may travel several miles a night in search of large, earthen termite mounds.

该儿童中心动物园包括一座冰屋,一座树屋和一些通往展示像土豚和狐獴这样奇特野生动物的“神秘”观察窗口。The child-centric zoo includes an igloo a tree house and tunnels leading to "secret" viewing windows that reveal exotic wildlife such as aardvarks and meerkats.

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一头饥饿的土豚可以用前爪一直挖通白蚁巢穴坚硬的外壳,然后用它长长的,带有粘性的并且可以像虫子似蠕动的舌头伸进去享受一顿美餐。A hungry aardvark digs through the hard shell of a promising mound with its front claws and uses its long, sticky, wormlike tongue to feast on the insects within.