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国际货币基金组织和世界银行胁持整个国家。The IMF & World Bank take hostage entire nations.

他们持手枪威胁店员,并快速胁持一名女性人质。They threatened staff with handguns, and briefly took a woman hostage.

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好好的儿子被凶徒胁持,并把一支毒针交给好好,打算借好好双手杀死上升。Is a good son attackers were heard, and give a needle to take, to borrow a good hands to kill.

以铿按照启源的要求来到码头,即被持枪的刘焱胁持带走。With his came to dock, according to the requirements of rev source was armed Liu Yan party is taking.

失踪人口组再次出击,今次要搜寻一个失明女孩及其女导师,她们于路营时被胁持失踪,生死未卜。The team searches for a recently blinded girl and her companion who disappeared during a camping trip.

木荣为了查出言廷的罪证,再次借机潜入言廷的办公室盗取资料。但这次终被言廷捉拿,而言廷更利用木荣将小嘉一并拿下胁持。Wood in order to find out the evidence of katyn, rong to submerge again put it at the office to steal information.

两人独处时,再舜在韵书的帮助下拿枪胁持韵书,带着浮筒成功逃到了海上。When two people alone, shun again with the help of striking a gun party is striking, with buoy successfully fled to the sea.

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这时发达告知胆哥和流氓到金家胁持带男以追收赌债,金香怒火中烧,要掌掴带男。Then developed to inform bravery and rogue to Kim heard with a man to accept a gambling debt, burning incense, slapped with male.

无论他们的信仰是什么,无论他们的政治信念是什么,我们都不能让极端分子胁持舆论,挟持媒体。We must not let the extremists, whatever their faith, whatever their political persuasion hijack the discourse and hijack the media.

昨天,老贝利里的人们听到了有关一位领养老金者不自量力地企图在伦敦银行胁持人质并抢劫85000英镑的一个离奇故事,当时在场的人都听得人迷了。The old bailey listened spellbound yesterday to the tale of a pensioner's doomed attempt to hold hostages at a london bank and rob it of& 85000.

昨天,老贝利里的人们听到了有关一位领养老金者不自量力地企图在伦敦银行胁持人质并抢劫85,000英镑的一个离奇故事,当时在场的人都听得人迷了。The Old Bailey listened spellbound yesterday to the tale of a pensioner's doomed attempt to hold hostages at a London bank and rob it of £ 85 , 000.

三天后,俄罗斯武装力量强行冲进歹徒胁持人质的体育馆,人质事件在流血中结束,此前,体育馆内已发生爆炸。The siege ended in bloodshed three days later as Russian forces stormed the gym where the hostages were being held after explosions were heard inside.

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可以说这场革命很可能会是人们反叛逃离或者政府武力胁持的结果,这场革命很可能最后以强硬派和神权统治者胜利告终。It will be said that this revolution is likely to be betrayed or hijacked, that the hard-liners and the theocrats are certain to prevail at the end of the day.

涛国被胁持上车后,车辆被两名警员截查,涛国试图向警察暗示遭绑架,但对方却无反应。Tao the abduction vehicle when you get on by two police officers, searching out countries tried to suggest to the police was kidnapped, but received no response.

我们的部队正在菲律宾协助该国军方搜索处决了一个美国人而且仍胁持着人质的恐怖分子洞穴。We now have troops in the Philippines, helping to train that country's armed forces to go after terrorist cells that have executed an American, and still hold hostages.

卓凯驾车与永权展开追逐,务求救出被胁持的羡晴,最后卓凯及永权翻车受伤,永权亦借机会逃走。Drache driving with permanent right to chase to rescue an abduction admire fine, finally drache and permanent right of accident injury, permanent rights also borrow the chance to escape.