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那时我是单身。I was single.

比尔依旧是单身。Bill's still single.

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这是一间单身酒吧。It's bar for singles.

但是另一个还是单身的。The other was single.

你成婚了还是单身?。Are you -ied or single?

我单身,但是气定神闲。I am glad to be single.

单身女人真的不喜欢这样子!And single women HATE IT!

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好好生活吧,单身的妮莉!Be selfish now. You have to.

穷的单身人士真可怜。Pity the poor single people.

给一直单身的朋友。The still-single guy or gal.

一个单身老人孤独的住在爱达华州。An old man lived alone in Idaho.

我是单身女士,孤独地,一无所有。I'm Miss. Longly. I have nobody.

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Seema今年41岁,是以为单身母亲。Seema is 41, and a single mother.

晚上,我躲在单身公寓里,泪流满面。I cried in my apartment that night.

我郑重申明我现在是单身状态。I. I declare that I am not married.

在妻子的婚前单身派对遇见妻子。Met wife at her bachelorette party.

或者只是更多其他狂野的单身贵族?Or just lots of other wild singles.

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你了解单身男人吗?What have you learnt about single men?

白洁!你难道希望永远都是单身的吗?。You wanna be single forever, Baijie! ?

为什么人们总是对单身羞于启齿呢?Why are people ashamed of being single?