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我来罗列出一些美国的税率I'm going to give some U.S. tax rates.

她开始扳着手指罗列这些名字。And she began ticking them off on her fingers.

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厂房罗列在山坡上。Factory buildings spread out over the hillside.

所以这里我将罗列出小苏打最常见的用法。So here is my list of the top uses for baking soda.

但是仅罗列了少数人就忽略了无数的其他人。But only naming a select few neglects countless others.

如果我必须罗列出他们,那么这篇文章将会达到10万字。If I had to list them all this post would be 100, 000 words.

现在我们当然没有为保罗列出的美德名单而惊讶。Now we're not, of course, surprised by Paul's list of the virtues.

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确认补遗及信息已清晰罗列好。Verify addendums as noted and information addressed appropriately.

这里罗列在清单上的恐怖片都足以让你产生以上的效果。And there's an entire list of horror movies that can do that to you.

海鲜选择指引罗列本港最受欢迎的海鲜种类。The most popular consumed seafoods were included in the Seafood Guide.

这份单子罗列了已走过26年的我所学到的26条人生哲理。Here is a list of 26 life lessons I have learned thus far at the age of 26.

去年,杰写了篇文章,把他希望自己本该早些知道的事罗列出来。Last year Jay wrote an article listing things he wished he'd known earlier.

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当然,谢伊的书不仅仅是罗列出一个简单的词汇表,整本书有一个完整的故事的情节。Shea’s book offers more than exotic word lists, though. It also has a plot.

连为他罗列出来的成就表都让人震惊。The sheer volume and variety of his accomplishments are simply astonishing.

下面罗列的几个近日遇到的最蠢设计算是我最近的小小收获。Following is a modest harvest of design stupidities I've recently encountered.

给自己写一个书单,罗列出来你想读的书,想了解的主题。Always carry a list of books you want to read or topics you want to read up on.

还有一个建议,就是把神不同的名字罗列出来,幷专注于这些名字。Another idea is to make a list of the different names of God and focus on them.

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我们调查了YourTango的工作人员,并罗列了女性想要的十种简单的事物的清单。We polled the YourTango staff and compiled a list of 10 simple things women want.

因为我们的名单只罗列美国公司,我们排除了外商独资企业。As our list consists of U.S.-based businesses, we exclude foreign-owned companies.

我没有发过正式的简历,只是罗列了一堆网络链接,从中可以了解我擅长干些什么。I never sent a formal CV – just a list of web links that showed what I was good at.