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我有长长地头发。I've got long hair.

他死了,一枪打地头上了。He's dead. Shot through the head.

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真正爱一个能做到潇洒地头也不回的转身吗?To really love a cool head can do not to turn?

一开始,在公园或田间地头会出现小小的洞穴。The first signs are little holes in parks and fields.

苹果树枝同情的看着那些在地头溪边盛开的小花。"They are only for children. " The Apple Tree Branch answered.

不许用两手撑地头下脚上的走路方式过马路。You aren't allowed to cross a street while walking on your hands.

我来把你带到地头,到那里我要用自己的双手把你掩埋。I carry thee to the place where I shall bury thee with mine own hands.

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但是正当他要砍下乌龟地头时,看到那只龟在哭泣!But just as he was about to chop off its head, he saw that the turtle was crying!

在家里要炒几样菜,在田间地头劳动也要带上各种炒菜、炖菜。Even working on the fields, they like to bring fried and stewed dishes for lunch.

尼克靠近窗口吹了声口哨,爸爸很快地将帽子戴到了尼克地头上。Nick came up to the window and whistled . Nick's father quickly put the cap back on Nick's head.

一开始,在公园或田间地头会出现小小的洞穴。然后,红眼睛的大虫子就会从洞里爬出来。The first signs are little holes in parks and fields. Then, big , red -eyed bugs start crawling out.

要是一条裂唇鱼让顾客等待太久,或是诈欺,巡游者比地头鱼更可能换个服务站试试。Roamers are more likely to change stations if a cleaner has ignored them for too long or cheated them.

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苹果树枝同情的看着那些在地头溪边盛开的小花。The apple Tree Branch sympathized and looked at the little flowers blooming next to the fields and streams.

不等别人来帮忙,他就把另两具尸体拖开,将第三个人拽到田边地头上。Without waiting for help, he pulled away the two corpses and dragged the third man to the side of the field.

大约1906年,以演唱说故事为主要形式的演出在田间地头流行开来。Around 1906, itinerant performers began entertaining farmers with a show combining singing and stories-telling.

可不要让乔布斯的小花招忽悠你了,在苹果的地头上怎么可能还有新东西,这些都不过是炒Android的冷饭。Don't let Jobs' puppy dog face fool you tho, what may be new to Apple-land, is yesterdays cookies for Android users.

菲利普斯头戴曳地头纱,冠冕是母亲安妮公主借给她的。Phillips chose a cathedral-length bouffant veil held in place by a Greek Key tiara lent by her mother, Princess Anne.

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民间儿童游戏极具娱乐性、好学易会且便于流传,曾经广泛流行于房前屋后、田间地头。The games are of great fun, and easy to learn and spread. They have spreaded around the houses and the farmlands widely.

沟渠从主河道上分出一支水流,然后通过一条条支渠将水流分的更小并送到地头。The acequia diverts water from a main stream, then further apportions the flow through sluiceways into smaller streams and onto fields.

新年走来了,步伐迈进大街小巷、田间地头,和谐充满城市乡村,大江南北。The New Year is coming, the step towards the streets, the fields, harmonious full of urban and rural areas, the great river north and south.