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而现在正是春花烂漫时节。Spring was in full bloom.

灌木丛中花团烂漫。All the shrubs are in blossom.

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机器人是男人的烂漫…Mechas are the romance of men.

机器人是男人的烂漫…Pilot a Zaku if you are a man!

园内山花烂漫,古木参天。Garden flowers are blooming, and ancient trees.

我想去一家气氛欢乐、烂漫的餐厅。Iid like some slackaurant with cheerful atmosphere.

IT媒体的确有了一种山花烂漫的热闹。IT media had a kind of pediment really brilliant lively.

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山花烂漫铺满着我们相守相拥的足迹。Blossoming flowers are overspreading our embracing footprints.

花枝烂漫,即便一人独自徜徉未觉寂寞。I never felt lonely while walked under the flower trees alone.

相信所有的汗水与眼泪,最后会化成一篇山花烂漫。I believe all the sweat and tears, finally become a full bloom.

若是出去与朋友聚会,可能会有烂漫遭遇。Romance is likely if you can bring yourself to go out with friends.

天真无瑕的童年,遍野烂漫着野菊花般的芳香……Aroma of chrysanthemum is smelling everywhere in innocent childhood.

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焰火烂漫映长空,和谐昌宁展新姿。Brilliant fireworks reflect the sky, harmony Changning Revitalisation.

四月,正是妙峰山山花烂漫之时。April is time of year when Mt Miaofeng is painted with blooming blossom.

生如春花之烂漫,死如秋叶之静美一样的性格。To live like the booming spring flowers, to die as the graceful fall leaves.

烂漫只因前夜雨,馨香无奈此时风。Because before the night rain, brilliant, sweet helpless at this time the wind.

——他们就如是分开,老隐者和查拉图斯特拉如学童般烂漫而笑。And thus they parted, the old man and Zarathustra, laughing like two schoolboys.

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清溪河畔,行人络绎不绝,两岸烟花烂漫,璀璨星河。Qing River, pedestrian in a continuous line, the bloom of fireworks, bright star.

金星主管烂漫和快乐,但是你也许会很惊讶她同样也主管金钱。Venus rules romance and fun, and you may be surprised to know Venus also rules money.

你就是那个风姿绰约的桃花仙子,轻轻掠起一片娇羞烂漫的红霞!You are the Peace to all that grace graceful, gently Lueqi a shy and artless Hongxia!