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我质问了阿迈德。I confronted Ms. Ahmed.

敢当面质问,才是真爱。True love dares to confront.

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这是一个击中要害的质问。This is a very home question.

陈四质问着其他的军兵。Chen asked the other soldiers.

江湖骗子受到了猛烈的质问。The quack was stormed with questions.

贺俊峰质问他怎么开展?He Junfeng question him how to proceed?

当艾米质问赵来晚上有时间吗?When Amy query zhao to night have time?

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如果你失去理智,那也就意味着质问者获得胜利。If you lose your reason, the heckler wins.

钟离质问贺俊峰后悔吗?The clock is questioned He Junfeng regret?

他以巧妙的质问诱使证人说话前后矛盾。He tripped the witness by artful questions.

随后又质问杨广,杨谅是怎么死的。Then YangGuang query, YangLiang is how dead.

多恩由此开始质问自己的信仰。This made donne begin to question his faith.

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何芸质问钟离干什么魂不守舍的?He Yun questioned bell from whats spaced out?

自那以后多年,我经常质问上帝。I’d often wondered to God in the years since.

当场质问陈妍是怎么得在自己患病一事。The question ChenYan how about in his illness.

哀诉者和质问者有什么共通之处呢?What do whiners and questioners have in common?

面对艾莉的质问,世贤依然撒谎不脸红。Facing ailey query, the hen still lie not blush.

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苏切马上找来阿萨内,开口便是质问。Sue to a thar on chema, his mouth is questioned.

而我们却质问他们是否足够成熟来应付民主?And we ask if they're mature enough to handle it?

他讲演完后受到了质问。He was assailed with questions after his lecture.