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他的妻子是母老虎。His wife is a virago.

那小娘儿们可真是个母老虎。That chick’s a real tiger.

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在房间里做个母老虎。Be a tigress in the bedroom.

她是一个巨大的母老虎,并裁定了很长一段时间。She was a huge tigress and ruled for a long time.

只受伤的母老虎正在怒吼。The wounded tigress was now roaring double tides.

我想他一定是个有妇之夫,而他太太有是一个母老虎。I think he was married and had a lioness at homes.

今天他一定不会多喝酒,因为他怕老婆,他的老婆是有名的“母老虎”。Those women are famous tigresses, so be careful with your words.

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她女孩可真是个母老虎。当我还嘴时,她竟然抓破了我的脸。That chick's a real tiger. She scratched my face when I talked back.

她过去大部分时间都像一只母老虎一样生活,与10或12只老虎呆在一起。She used to live mostly as a tigress and kept ten or twelve tigers with her.

医师们决定,如果母老虎可以充做另一头母兽所产下的幼兽的代理母亲的话。The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother's cubs.

是呀,我要参加今天的社交晚会,但是我必须带着我家的母老虎。Yes, I’m going to the party tonight, but I’ll have to drag along my ball and chain.

你未必能一下子转变成一个母老虎——但是你可以假装你已经是。You're unlikely to suddenly transform into a tigress — but you can pretend to be one.

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公老虎和它18只母老虎杰作的年份,”下东区42岁的罗布克拉克说到。Year of the Tiger and his 18 tigresses, " said Rob Clarke, 42, of the Lower East Side."

丧子的母老虎和失恃的小猪似乎是完美的组合,但是没有人知道虎妈妈会有什么反应。It seemed like it could be a perfect match, but no one knew what the tiger’s reaction would be.

今天他一定不会多喝酒,因为他怕老婆,他的老婆是有名的“母老虎”。He certainly won't drink much, because he is a henpecked man while his wife is a famous tigress.

结婚之前,她的发型有点野,我打趣说,她的发型让她看起来像只母老虎,可就了不得了。Before we got married, she had a wild hairstyle and I teased that it made her look like a tigress.

医师们决定,如果母老虎可以充做另一头母兽所产下的幼兽的代理母亲的话,或许就能有所改善.。The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother's cubs, perhaps she would improve.

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位在德国东部的城市莱比锡动物园,母老虎贝拉诞生了三只小西伯利亚虎,一起来看看活泼好动的小老虎。An eastern German zoo introduced three Siberian tiger babies on Tuesday recently born in Leipzig. We'll leave you with these images.

在“咆哮的二十年代”的柏林,“母老虎”——一位靓丽、狂野又很独立的街妓爱上了一位英俊的骗子。It"s the roaring twenties in Berlin. The Tigress, a gorgeous, wild, and very independent street walker, falls for a handsome grifter."

但是“母老虎”恐怕不会是传闻在第一家庭聚会上为利比亚人民表演的唯一巨星。But the Maneater is hardly the only big-time star who has reportedly cashed in by performing for members of Libya's hard-partying first family.