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中油的新油价已经在星期一生效。CPC's new prices took effect on Monday.

丙烯酸漆中油脂溶剂含量很高。Acrylic lacquers have a high solvent content.

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不一样等级的光滑油在运用过程中油质都会发作变化。Not the same level of oil in the use process of oil will change.

脱胶过程中油脂的质量参数没有发生明显变化。The quality parameters of oil had no obvious change in degumming process.

蒜头剁碎后用中油温将其炸至金黄色。Mince the garlic and fry them until crispy and golden over the medium heat.

眯着眼睛观赏博物馆中油画的几何构图。ANDERSON, 65, squints to appreciate the geometry of paintings at the museum.

目的研究美洲大蠊提取物中油脂的化学成分。Objective To determine the lipid components extracted from periplaneta americana.

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中油有一均相触媒工场,利用正丁烯合成主要为辛烯组成的产品。CPC has a homogeneous catalytic unit that uses butanes as feed to produce octenes.

开发了一种具有较高的中油选择性的加氢裂化催化剂。A hydrocracking catalyst with high selectivity to middle distillates was developed.

用白土和品质较差的柴油按一定质量比配制成废白土,并对废白土中油分的回收效果进行研究。Waste clay was prepared in proper mass ratio by fresh clay and poor quality diesel oil.

本文研究了气升式内环流反应器中油滴的分散特性。Dispersion characteristics of oil drop size in air-lift internal loop reactor were studied.

给出了一种线接触弹流问题中油膜厚度的理论计算公式。A theoretical formula for computing the film thickness in line contact EHL problems is derived.

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本文主要介绍了回收废白土中油脂的几种方法。The present paper introduced mainly several methods of recovering oil fr om used bleaching clay.

对亲水岩心吸吮过程中油相的捕集规律进行了考察。The trapping of oil-phase during water flooding for water-wetted core was studied experimentally.

监察院以中油「浮动油价」机制不当,纠正经济部,您支持吗?。Taiwan's Control Yuan corrects MOEA for CPC floating price mechanism, do you support Ma Administration ?

这个趋势促使中油降低油价,但是不能说这是调整的全部原因。This trend precipitated CPC's lowering of pump prices but cannot claim sole responsibility for the move.

嗯,当我还是个小孩子的时候,我住在德国,它们取出鲤鱼的内脏,然后将它们扔到炸锅中油炸。Mmmm. When I was a kid, we lived in germany and they'd gut Carp and throw them in a deep fat fryer whole.

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本文尝试应用膜技术来解决食品煎炸过程中油脂的净化问题。This text tries to solve oil's depuration problem in the food's frying process using membrane technology.

对此油水分离过程中油滴浮升的动力学模型进行了分析。The oil drops' lifting in the course of oil-water separation was analyzed by developing mathematical model.

研究了用紫外分光光度法测定猪皮及其脱脂废液中油脂含量的方法。A new method about how to measure the fat content of pigskin and the degreased water by UV Spectrophotometry.