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我们依靠那儿呼吸。There breathes us.

你可以依靠/信得过我。You can rely on me.

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很大程度上要依靠尼诺。A lot may depend on Nino.

他是那种老要依靠人家的人。He is of a clinging sort.

门依靠门枢而转动。A door turns on its hinge.

我们必须依靠自己。We must rely on ourselves.

依靠你的美好记忆。Build on the good memories.

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不要依靠油灰状的黏性材料。Do not depend on the putty.

他依靠双亲生活。He subsists on his parents.

我也是能值得依靠的人了。I am worthy of being relied.

这件事上我知道我可以依靠特里。I knew I could count on Terry.

国家收入主要依靠石油。and it's an oil-based nation,

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她依靠他的帮助。She drew on him for assistance.

这些工作实际是“依靠群众”在进行。This is all done by the masses.

您必须依靠文本搜索。You must rely on text searches.

哦,航船平稳都依靠你的樯桅。O ship is steadied by thy spars.

人们要依靠这块土地才能生存!People have to live on the land!

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孩子们依靠父母亲。Children depend on their parents.

经济增长不能依靠掠夺。Growth doesn't depend on plunder.

他身子歪斜着依靠在墙上。He leant aslant against the wall.