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最大爬坡度。Maximum climbable gradient.

这条路以陡峭的坡度向山上延伸。The road stretches uphill at a steep slope.

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铁路从这里开始有个微微向上的坡度。The railway slopes up slightly at this point.

运动场的看台坡度很大。The stands at the sports ground rake steeply.

能适应任意地形的车子可以在65度的坡度上行驶。All terrain car able to descend slopes up to 65 degrees.

务使坡度舒徐,这便是上帝的全部政策。God's whole policy consists in rendering slopes less steep.

它可以是一段坡度陡峭但安静公路的急转弯。It could be a swerve from a steep and quiet stretch of road.

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旋转的球体表示了当前的俯仰角和坡度角。The rotating sphere shows the current pitch and bank angles.

随着坡度的增加,毛竹分布的面积减少。The area of bamboo forest decreased with the increasing slope.

山坡度太陡,这辆旧自行车爬上去很困难。The hill was so steep that the old bicyle had difficulty getting up.

最后,确定了9个自然植被类型的适生坡度级。Finally, suitable gradient for 9 natural vegetation types were confirmed.

自DEM由不同算法提取坡度的对比分析。A contrast analysis of slopes extracted by different algorithms based on DEM.

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本文对车场坡度作了分析,并提出车场坡度的合理数值。This article analyses the bowl gradients and suggests rational value of them.

同时,坡面坡度对紫色土坡面侵蚀过程有重要的影响。Meanwhile, slope gradient had a great impact on purple soil erosion processes.

由地形坡度引起的影象配准误差及目标区最佳尺寸分析。The analysis of registration error from terrain slope and the best target size.

基本地形因子计算主要有坡度、坡向等。The computation of basic terrain factor mainly includes slope, aspect and so on.

屋顶的轻微坡度在室内得以表达,给空间带来更宽敞的感觉。The roof's slight pitch is expressed indoors, lending the spaces a roomier feel.

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坡面上部和坡脚侵蚀较弱,坡面侵蚀的剧烈段在坡面中下部,并随雨强和坡度增大而逐渐上移。The erosion is weak on upper part and slope foot, and strong in middle lower part.

应用于低坡度水面的近似理论来自于裘不依。The approximate theory which applies to water tables of low slope is due to Dupuit.

这种方法可以应用于梯形斜边任意坡度角的情况。In addition, it does not impose any limitation on the sloped angle of the trapezoid.