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对颌骨血管瘤手术治疗是最有效的手段。Operation was the most effective therapy for jaw hemangiomas.

骨血管瘤是一种骨内的良性血管瘤。Hemangioma of the bone is a benign vascular tumor within the bone.

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这孩子是你的骨血,我一定会替你照顾好她。This child is your flesh and blood, I will certainly take good care of her for you.

目的探索下颌骨血供系统的直观观测手段。Objective To search for a direct observation method in blood supplies system of mandible.

目的了解滋养动脉损伤对股骨血供的影响。Objective To study effects of ligature of nutrient artery on blood supply of femur in rabbits.

你们不让我嫁给他,难道想要让冷家的骨血流落在外吗?Do not you make me marry him, absence to let the bone blood of cold house fall in the appearance?

目的探讨骨血管源性肿瘤的影像学特点,旨在提高其诊断水平。Objective To explore the imaging features of angiogenic tumors of bones and improve the diagnostic level of this disease.

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结论监测预构血管化骨血运重建过程的血液流变性的变化,可以更好地了解血液流动情况,评估血液的循环流态。In this way, we can observe the rheological behaviour of blood cells and evaluate the states of the microcircuatory blood flow.

目的观察兔骨髓诱导的内皮细胞用纤维蛋白胶接种到骨组织工程支架上,在体外人工骨血管化效果。Objective To observe angiogenesis of induced endothelial cells in demineralized bone matrix scaffold seed by fibrin sealant in vitro.

源于羌人的纳西族,骨血深处弥漫着“逐水草而居”的环境情结,于是,在不经意间创造了世界文化遗产丽江古城。Naxi people, originated from the Diqiang group have been deeply embedded with the environmental emotion of "residing by the river and weed".

目的探讨磁共振灌注成像在组织工程骨血管化监测中的应用价值。Objective To assess the diagnostic value of perfusion weighted MR imaging technique in monitoring vascularization of tissue engineered bone.

当是时,身陷囹圄的绝望双亲将自己的骨血托付给了好心的非犹太裔波兰同胞,孩子从犹太人居住区和集中营拯救出来后,这些不幸中的幸运儿自此成为了“隐匿童子”。These were “hidden children, ” saved from ghettos and concentration camps when their desperate parents passed them along to non-Jewish Poles.

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震后6天,救助同胞的骨血情怀细织密缝,互助担当的公民行动此伏彼起。Six days after the earthquake, rescue compatriots Guxue sentiments fine texture of joints, and mutual assistance as citizens of this action V He has.

目的探讨预构血管化骨血运重建过程中血液流变性的变化。Objective To investigate the changes of hemorheology in the course of the reconstruction of blood supply after the implantation of blood vessel bundle.

主人一生,只有这点骨血,小将在当阳长坂坡百万军中救出,今日夫人却欲抱将去,是何道理?This bit of blood and bone, my master’s only offspring, was saved by your humble commander from a battlefield of a million by Steepslope Bridge in Dangyang. Why does my lady wish to carry him off?

组织工程化人工骨修复骨缺损的关键环节是它的血管化,组织工程骨血管化的监测应当遵循灵敏、可定量、无创、无辐射、低成本的原则。Vascularization is the key factor in bone defect repairing by tissue engineered bone. Monitoring methods of vascularization should be sensitive, quantitative, noninvasive, non-radiant and economical.