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这条路突然到头了。The path ends off abruptly.

这件事永远不会到头的。This is never going to end.

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许先生的法律麻烦还没到头。Mr. Chee’s legal troubles continue.

将微传感器缝到头皮。Secure the Micro Sensor to the scalp.

这条街走到头有一个商店。There is a shop at the end of the street.

现在看来,半岛紧张局势似乎已经到头。For now, the situation may have plateaued.

受了这个侮辱,我的忍耐到头了。With this insult, my patience was at an end.

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它开始看起来好像这样的日子到头了。It started to look like those days were over.

上下胶辊全包胶到头,高防腐。Packages from top to bottom, high-preservation.

她这一阵子坏运气似乎到头了。Her streak of bad luck seems to be bottoming out.

但是这么看来,带来的破坏似乎已经到头了。But by that point, the damage will have been done.

尖端圆形的贴心设计,不容易伤到头皮。Its tip is round. So, it does not hurt your scalp.

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一直走到头然后再向左转。Walk to the end of the street and turn left again.

这条路似乎永不到头,一直通向天边。The road seems to go on forever into the far horizon.

“打拳不练功,到头一场空”。"play boxing without internal, you will get nothing".

要是不注意,你可能到头了会大病一场。If you are not carefull, you could finish up seriously ill.

在他最抑郁的时候,他感觉自己已经走到头了。In his deepest depression he felt he'd arrived at a terminus.

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我们一路向上,来到头这个部位。As we work our way up the body we arrive at the head and face.

这是否意味着荷兰队的好运到头了?Is this a sign that his and Holland's luck is starting to turn?

最新的资本流出数据显示美元跌势还没有到头。The latest capital outflow suggests the dollar has further to fall.