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我们都有我们自己的陋习。We all have our vices.

她大胆地批评陋习。She boldly criticised the out-dated customs.

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所以说,有些陋习,只是我们的“陋见”而已。Therefore, some bid habits is just our prejudice.

我们理所当然地要革除恶俗陋习。We should certainly get rid of the evil traditions and customs.

顺境时显陋习,逆境时见美德。Prosperity doth best discover vice , but adversity doth best discover virtue.

如果说西方人能够与这种陋习决裂,难道中国人就不能?But if Westerners were able to break themselves of the habit, why not the Chinese?

吐痰大多与吸烟有关,二者都被妇女斥为陋习。Spitting was mostly associated with smoking, both denounced by women as bad habits.

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自我探索无情地暴露出我的陋习和虚伪。The self-inquiry worked relentlessly to expose my conditioned behavior and hypocrisy.

你很确信已经克服了饮食陋习,那又是什么导致了减肥失败?You felt certain that you had conquered bad eating habits—so what caused the backslide?

遗憾的是,当其他食物缺乏时,食土辟人士为了避免饥饿之痛苦就习惯于食土的陋习。Unfortunately, geophagy is also practiced to avoid hunger pains when other food is scarce.

你看,西方国家也有他们的吐痰历史,他们付出了时间,付出了努力,才根除了这一陋习。So you see, the West has its own history of spitting, which it took time and effort to eradicate.

哲行更希望刘水能以美贞作为榜样,早日戒除生活陋习。Zhe line more hope liu hydropower beauty Jane as example, kick the living habits at an early date.

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因此,“新娘彩礼”究竟是一种把双方家庭联系在一起的重要传统,还是一种购买女人的陋习?So, is lobola a rich tradition, bringing families together?Or is it an ugly custom of buying women?

她们还反对封建陋习,倡导积极健康的社会新风气。They also opposed the feudal vulgar customs, and initiatived positive new healthy social atmosphere.

回读,即习惯于倒回去读自己刚读过的地方,是一种常见的阅读陋习。Regression, the tendancy to look back over what you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading.

在农村,特别是比较偏僻落后的农村,还残存着少数包办买卖婚姻的陋习。In China's more remote and backward rural areas, corrupt practices exist in the form of forced marriages.

一个自重的人会监督自己,不会让自己有陋习。A person with a high self-esteem values herself and will not get into, or stay in, an abusive relationship.

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然而,陋习难改。到30年代时,还有一些地区进行裹脚。However, old habits die hard, and there was still foot-binding going on well into the 1930's in some areas.

昨天,北京在全市范围内开展了一项以规范道路交通为目的的行动,包括整治十项交通陋习。A citywide campaign to regulate traffic began yesterday in Beijing, with 10 fine-incurring violations named.

学生贿赂老师在中国是司空见惯的事。但是在蒋的这帮误人子弟的教员到来以前,岛上几乎没有这种陋习。Bribery of teachers by students, common in China, had been almost unknown till the advent of Chiang's pedants.