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这是一条有去无回的死路。This is a one-way ticket to hell.

我们已经走进死路了。We're coming to the end of the road.

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医药的欲望,我知道,是条死路。Desire is death, which physic did except.

在创业过程中,要打开自己的视野,不能走死路。In the course of business, want to open their own vision and not go blind alley.

如果依然按照原有的模式发展,最终仍是一条死路。If you still follow the original mode of development, and ultimately a blind alley.

自己都还没修好,冒然地跑到如卫国暴君那儿去自投死路,是非常不智的。Now you are still in practice, and you rashly present yourself to the tyrant of Wei.

也许是在自找死路,但是至少他们有面对中国的本事。It may have been sending mosquitos after a fly swatter, but they had the balls to confront China.

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爱一个女人,住一间屋子,有一块地,望一个景,走一条死路。One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die.

尊敬比你大的人,他们的经验可以让你少走无计的错路,甚至死路。Respect the older, their experiences may help you keep out the wrong route, even the road of death.

“你用火的时候,”詹金斯说道,“你正在把森林逼上死路。"You introduce fire," says Jenkins, "you convert a lot of forests, you are drying out those forests.

曼奇尼的人仍然通过中路进攻,中路拥堵,无尽的死路在等着他们。Mancini's men kept attacking through the middle, where congestion and go-nowhere cul-de-sacs awaited them.

民航飞机发生故障时,飞行员不应自行跳伞逃生,因为他的先行逃生会把飞机上所有乘客送上死路。The pilot of an airline shouldn't escape by parachute alone because that will kill all the passengers on board.

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有一种方法似乎可以让一个人在他面前现身,但最后这是一条死路。There is a way that seems right to a man and appears straight before him, but at the end of it is the way of death.

田野亲密留意着韩珊的行迹,她晓得,只要将韩珊逼向死路,她才会承受本人的条件。The field close heed to HanShan whereabouts, she know, as long as HanShan forced to SiLu, she will bear my condition.

刀锋等人不来及处置楚河,就已被冲进屋中的行凶忍者逼入死路!Such people do not come blade and disposal, already bo Lin are washed into the house of a ault ninja to force the SiLu!

当然,如今这其中不乏死路和弯路,但是大体而言,1920年的巴黎仍然完整。There are, of course, detours and bypaths that one can follow, but essentially the world of the 1920's is still intact.

这片由死路暗巷和破屋所构成的175公顷迷宫,住有1百万以上的居民。A 175-hectare maze of impenetrable dark alleys and corrugated shacks, Dharavi swarms with more than a million residents.

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第三个线索是她逃脱继父的追捕时,来到一条死路,而等他追到时她已经不见了。The third clue is she's running away from her stepfather, she reaches a dead end, by the time he shows up she's not there.

北瑞奇蒙大街是条死路,除了圣兄学校的孩子们放学的时段,这条街向来安静。North Richmond Street , being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christmas Brother’s School set the boys free.

两人搏斗,屠龙逃上了悬崖绝壁,这是一条死路,从来没人上去,所以李参谋事先没有严密封锁。Two people fled the dragon fight, this is a sheer precipice and overhanging rocks, dead, never go up, so Li staff without tight blockade.