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是的,还有200米,400米,800米和接力赛跑。Yes, and the 200 metres, the 400

男同学们赢得了接力赛跑,我非常高兴。I was very glad when the boys won the relay race.

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这个城市组织了一次接力赛跑来庆祝独立日。The city organized a relay race to celebrate Independent Day.

是的,我应该能刚赶上看女子400米接力赛跑。Yes, I should get there just in time for the women's 400m relay.

接力赛跑是每队的每个队员跑一段距离的赛跑。A relay is a race in which each member of each team runs part of the distance.

开运动会的时候,在接力赛跑中,你消耗的热量最多,多达每小时650卡。On Sports Day, during the relay race, you will use, as much as 650calories an hour.

其中包括他所跑过的芝加哥,Grandma`s和德雷克大学的接力赛跑。Included among the marathons he’s run are Chicago, Grandma’s, and the Drake University Relays.

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开运动会时,在接力赛跑中,你消耗的热量最多,可能每小时多达。On Sports Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour.

在运动会上,进行接力赛跑时,你消耗的能量最多,可能每小时多达650卡。On sports day , during the relay race , you will use most of all , perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour.

在运动会上,停止接力赛跑时,你消耗的能量最多,估计每小时多达650卡。On Sports Day, within the relay race, you will use maximum of all, perhaps as abundance as 650 calories an hour.

是的,还有200米,400米,800米和接力赛跑。我还喜欢更长距离的赛跑――一千五百米、五千米和一万米赛跑。Yes, and the 200 metres, the 400 metres, the 800 metres and the relay races. I also like the longer distance races.

接力赛跑、拔河等4个项目的角逐展示员工们团结拼搏、奋发向上的精神。In the competition of four events including relay race and tug-of-war etc. , employees showed their fighting, solidary and indomitable spirits.