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我从来没顶过这么多头球!I've never headed the ball as much before!

这右边锋顶了一个非常好的头球。The outside-tight headed a very nice ball.

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赢得了几次头球争顶并且使情况稳定下来。He won a few headers and calmed things down.

他连球门球和头球都分不清楚。He doesn't know a goal kick from a head shot.

维杜卡上半场错失的那个头球。Mark Viduka's missed header in the first half.

这右边锋顶了一个非常好的头球。Right at the demo, all of my wiring shorted out.

一号高尔夫球铁头球棒,棍面有很小的后倾面。Golf iron, having very little loft to the club face.

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争顶头球时,二人的头撞在了一起。They hit their heads together when heading the ball.

他们获得了三个角球,但全数被德罗巴以头球解围。They won three corners all of which Drogba headed away.

南斯拉夫前锋米赫洛域头球破网为帕尔马领先。Yugoslav striker Savo Milosevic had headed Parma ahead.

比如耐心,如何控球以及头球技术等。Like patience, to control the ball and heading techniques.

球从门柱弹回,欧文头球将球攻进。The ball rebounded from the goalpost and Owen headed it in.

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毕竟这种踢法在“头球和抽射”里不会算数。After all, they would not have counted in Heads and Volleys.

排名第一的进球是我在欧冠决赛中顶进的头球。At number one has to be my header in the Champions League final.

那么,如果鲁尼在打进头球之后没有打入头球。So what if Rooney isn't sending header after header into the net?

我本想头球,但最后皮球碰到了我的手上。I wanted to head the ball and I ended up touching it with my hand.

我们没有承受很多险情,除了博格达尼的头球。We didn't run too many risks, except for that Erjon Bogdani header.

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内文利用一个失误的头球用猛力为本队踢中了那个定胜负的一球。Nevin latched on to a miscued header to smash home the winning goal.

乌克兰人接着又为队友传出好球,吉拉迪诺头球顶高。The Ukrainian then sent in a cross-shot which Gilardino headed over.

对我们来说,他表现太好了,因为他的空中头球能力太强了,“奥雷里奥补充说道。"He did well for us as he is very strong in the air, " added Aurelio.