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好一个痴癫的穴居男人。An insane cave man.

他们叫穴居人。They are called troglodytes.

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模拟铁器时代穴居生活的洞穴。To inhabit or hide in a den.

蛇穴居于洞中。The snake burrowed into a hole.

穴居沙龟打一个迂曲的地洞。The gopher digs a maze of tunnels.

于我,穴居人攫取了先知。In me the cave-man clasps the seer.

洗澡房子就像一个穴居矮人房子。A bathhouse is like a house for hobbits.

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穴居人喝苏达和冰冻果汁吗?Did cavemen drink soda and frozen juices?

穴居人的饮食习惯就是遵守原则。Eating caveman style is about PRINCIPLES.

我们知道穴居人有向我们一样的大脑髓。We know that Neanderthals had big brains like ours.

创作膳食,遵循穴居人的饮食法是非常简单的。Creating meals and living the caveman diet is SIMPLE.

塘鳢有底栖穴居的习性。Tong snakehead has the habits of benthic cave dwellers.

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但穴居鱼则没有眼睛,而且患有失眠症。But those that have adapted to living in caves lack eyes.

对于面对着一头老虎的穴居人类来说,这是件很健康有益的事情。For a cave man facing a tiger, this is a very healthy thing.

它是,很久以前住在这里的穴居人和印第安人。It's a, who lived here a long time ago, cave man and Indians.

它往往是进入到乌兰布和沙区加勒比穴居。It is often found burrowing into sandy ground in the Caribbean.

这个同性恋穴居人遗体的陪葬品有家用水壶,没有武器。The ‘gay caveman’ was buried with household jugs, and no weapons.

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DNA甚至还表明,一些穴居人与我们的祖先进行了异种交配。DNA has even shown that a few Neandertals interbred with our ancestors.

不过他指出,即使是穴居人也可能已经开始穿捆扎的凉鞋了。However, he noted, even Neandertals may have been strapping on sandals.

长有永久性外部鳃的欧洲穴居水栖蝾螈。European cave-dwelling aquatic salamander with permanent external gills.