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做一个迷你海报。Creat a mini-poster.

我有2迷你金刚鹦鹉。I have 2 mini-Macaws.

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我想要一条迷你短裙。I want a mini- skirt.

玩许多迷你游戏。Play many mini games.

迷你越来越大。Minis are getting bigger.

我没有使用迷你吧。I didn't use the mini-bar.

4个迷你派模涂上一层奶油。Butter 4 mini tartlet molds.

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Gadget是迷你型的应用程序。Gadgets are mini-applications.

全加在所有的地图迷你地图。Full Added Mini Maps in all maps.

同时,迷你车却越来越大。Meanwhile, Minis are getting bigger.

你呀,迷你鱼,单挑那些水母。You, mini-man. Takin' on the jellies.

迷你伦敦巴士饼乾盒。A mini London routemaster biscuit tin.

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这份食谱将会教你如何制作12只迷你小泡芙。The recipe will make 12 mini popovers.


迷你吧内有一些饮料。There are some beverage in the mini-bar.

黑色迷你雪纳瑞价格是多少呢?Black Miniature Schnauzer How much is it?

您不能直接从我们这里买进“迷你小怪物”。You can't directly buy Mini- Mons form us.

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在镜子上点击触发迷你游戏。Click on the mirror to trigger a mini-game.

我不需要一辆全新的运动性迷你车。I don’t need a brand-new sporty little car.

我向您推荐这种迷你刷头的睫毛膏。I recommend this mini-brush mascara to you.