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那些学生显得歉疚而羞愧。The students looked guilty and abashed.

他歉疚地解释自己迟到的原因。In apology he explained why he was late.

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不要对他们发怒,也不要让他们觉得歉疚,就只是平心静气地谈心。Not out of rage or to guilt or shame them. Just talk.

他俩干完架后,绝对是你见过的这世上最为歉疚的人。But after we fight we're the two most sorriest people you've ever seen.

现在人们对于赚钱没有大规模文化上的反感或歉疚感。There is no large-scale cultural opposition or guilt about making money.

然而或出于歉疚,或出于责任,他们被迫结婚。Yet bound by guilt or responsibility that they are pushed into marriage.

他会感到歉疚可能是因为他的课并没有他想象中的有趣。He will be sorry that maybe his class is not as interesting as he expected.

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你可以释怀了,我想你也许还会有些许歉疚You can be relieved of that debt, or now you know you feel bad now, I guess.

不管那个她,是骄傲的,或是歉疚地看着你,这个所谓失败的姑娘。No matter how she looks at you, the loser, in pride or guilt, you will smile.

接下来,我就坐在沙发上理了20分钟的胡子,心里满是自责还有歉疚。I spent the next 20 minutes shivering in the chair, full of shame and remorse.

我认为这是对基督教媲美任何歉疚出对市场造成的影响。I think it is about as good as any Christian apologetic work out on the market.

常敬斋欣喜狂,想要为翠儿立块贞节牌坊,以表感谢和歉疚。Chang Jingzhai joy, want to the tweety chastity memorial arch, to thank and guilt.

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玥为疏忽照顾翠感歉疚,荣劝玥放弃跳舞。For negligence care he emerald feeling grievously he give glory to persuade dance.

我们也许为了减轻内心的歉疚或为了安抚孩子而或多或少的宠溺孩子。We assuage our guilt and comfort our children through small and large indulgences.

“我不太清楚它是如何把燃料转变成能的。”汤姆回答道,脸上露出歉疚的笑容。"I'm not certain how it converts fuel to power, " Linda replied dawn a contrite smile.

这也是当人们谈到看电视时总是如此后悔如此歉疚的原因。This is one reason people talk about their television viewing so ruefully, so apologetically.

在某些情况下,女人因歉疚而回归受虐家庭。In some cases, women return to abusive relationships because they feel sorry for their abusers.

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明妮对那些她放弃救助的人心怀歉疚,不堪重负,她将死在自己手上。Minnie Vautrin was to die by her own hand burdened with guilt over those she had failed to save.

明妮对那些她放弃救助的人心怀歉疚,不堪重负,她将死在自己手上。Minnie Vautrin was to die by her own hand, burdened with guilt over those she had failed to save.

可现在的我,只能这样厚脸皮地让爸妈为我牺牲,这让我非常不安而歉疚。But now, i have to ask my parents to sacrifice for me disgracefully, which makes me feel uneasy and guilty.