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在那儿办理登记手续?Where can I check in ?

请去海关办理手续。Please proceed to customs.

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请您到29号窗口办理。Please go to Window No. 29.

你能告诉我怎么办理吗?Could you tell how to do it?

我想办理来电显示。I want to install caller id.

也办理宣讲会,And I do information sessions,

好的。请去海关办理手续。OK. Please proceed to customs.

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你必须来办理续借它。But you must come and renew it.

我遵照律师的意见办理。I acted on the lawyer's advice.

我来代他办理这件事。I'll act for him in the matter.

前往海关办理结关手续。Go to the Customs for clearance.

您可以根据需要办理吉祥VIP贵宾卡。However, you can open a VIP card.

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我们无法办理你的索赔。We can't proce your damage claim.

可以办理短期观光旅行吗?Do you have any sightseeing tours?

是的,我想我们可以照此办理。Yes, I think we can run with that.

你能告诉我如何办理吗?Can you tell me how to go about it?

她将为你办理手续。She'll handle your deposit for you.

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你是否要申请办理提款卡?Do you want to apply for a ATM card?

李亚妮在旅馆办理入住手续。Li Yani is checking in at her hotel.

我们希望其他国家也照此办理。We hope other countries do the same.