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在65家上榜中国和香港公司中,有21家是去年落榜后今年回归。Of those 65, 21 return from last year.

去年她考大学落榜,我要她重考。I want her to take the college exam again.

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又一次落榜了,她的心情阴晦到了极点。Hearing that she failed again, she is exceedingly gloomy.

而才华不如他的朋友考取了,而他这位才子竟落榜。And talent as a friend to pass him, and he has failed the Wets.

那麽你是大学联考落榜罗,不过不只是你一个人。So you failed the college entrance exam. You've plenty of company.

当第4次落榜的时候,他失去了耐心。He lost patience when he failed to get into college for the 4th time.

但是部长却因为担心造成高落榜率而放宽标准。But ministers relented on this because of concern over drop-out rates.

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你能否说说看,那次落榜的经验,带给你什麽?Can you tell me what you learned from the experience of not succeeding?

上个月三家大花店上了榜,但是FTD.com则落榜了。Last month three big florists made the list, but fell off the list.

当惠特妮落榜的时候,他和家里的其他人一样失望沮丧。When Whitney didn't qualify, he was left devastated like the rest of the family.

还有一些去年落榜的老面孔今年重新回到了富豪榜。And da few familiar faces return to the list after falling from its ranks in previous years.

也会引起社会问题,那些高考落榜的人就会想落榜会给他们的家庭带来不好的名声。It also causes social problems, as those who fail consider that they have disgraced their families.

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今年落榜的明星搜罗杰西卡·辛普森、帕梅拉·安德森、夏奇拉和嘻哈巨匠克里斯·布朗。Off the list?Jessica Simpson dropped off, as did Pamela Anderson, Shakira and hip hop's Chris Brown.

后来得知她虽然很勤奋,但是去年高考不幸落榜。I was informed that she was very industrious but failed in the CollegeEntrance Examination last year.

今年落榜的明星包括杰西卡•辛普森、帕梅拉•安德森、夏奇拉和嘻哈大师克里斯•布朗。Off the list? Jessica Simpson dropped off, as did Pamela Anderson, Shakira and hip hop's Chris Brown.

因此,更多的中考落榜生得到了就读职业学校的机会。Therefore, more students in the examination exam and got the opportunity to attend vocational schools.

说道这些热门游戏,目前餐馆和宠物类游戏极其火爆,而那些以前流行的游戏已经跌落榜单了。In terms of the top games, restaurant and pet games are now hot, while a few older hits have fallen off the map.

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暑假结束,到了开学的日子,雨儿上了师范,安安落榜回家务农。一个学期彼此都没有再见过。The end of the summer, the school day, a teacher , An farming failed to return home. One semester are not seen each other.

采臣欲坦白落榜之事时,兄长宁采民突然来到老父旁,向他质问买叉烧一事。To gather the minister to be frank this thing, brother changning people suddenly came to father side, he asks for barbecued pork.

在华盛顿州律师资格考试落榜后,希拉里最终决定接受克林顿的求婚,并和他搬到阿肯色州。After failing her Washington bar exam, Hillary finally decided to accept Bill's many offers of marriage and moved to Arkansas with him.