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亚洲贸易风有限公司是一家澳大利亚贸易公司。Asian trade wind, Ltd. is an Australian trading company.

他只消凭贸易风吹在身上的感觉和帆的动向就能知道。Only needed the feel of the trade wind and the drawing of the sail.

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他只消凭贸易风吹在身上的感觉和帆的动向就能知道。He only needed the feel of the trade wind and the drawing of the sail.

下列哪个城市的所在地区是吹东南贸易风?Which city is in the region that experiences the southeast trade winds?

我从来没有这样疲乏过,他想,而现在刮起贸易风来了。I'm tireder than I have ever been, he thought, and now the trade wind is rising.

在主卧室放轻松,聆听浪涛拍打在礁石上,享受贸易风轻抚你的皮肤。Relax in the Master Bedroom with the surf breaking on the reef and trade winds soothing your skin.

尽管有贸易风,我们的航行缓慢,但一般说来我们每天能前进40英里。Travel is on the slow side, despite the trade wind, but we are generally making some 40 miles a day.

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他不需要罗盘针来告诉他西南方在哪里,而只要靠着贸易风吹来时的感觉,以及风帆被吹动时摇曳的情形就知道了。He did not need a compass to tell him where southwest was. He only needed the feel of the trade wind and the drawing of the sail.

主卧室的海景画面,被纯铜色窗帘框起,而窗帘则随着温暖的热带贸易风滚滚翻腾。The Master Bedroom features an ocean view backdrop that is framed by sheer copper curtains that billow in the warm tropical trade winds.

类似于航海上建立一个离开你的目的地的航程以避免危险的海岸,或按设想“借贸易风”行驶。There is a yachting analogy in setting a course away from your destination to avoid a dangerous coast, or perhaps to ' fetch a trade wind'.

还有,南半球的贸易风是从西北吹来的,这里向着东方,不象其他的地方迎着风。And, besides, this side, looking towards the east, is not exposed as the other is to the trade-winds, which in this hemisphere blow from the northwest.

这块小地方原来是皇室建造避暑小屋处,因为它们坐落水边,迎向凉爽的贸易风,位置特佳。This small enclave was original built as summer cottages for the Royal family as they are particularly well situated to the water and cooling trade winds.

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这时我们正朝向西南方向航行,这样我们能利用贸易风把我们带到大洋彼岸的目的地。At the moment we are heading more or less south-west to gain advantage of the trade winds which will take us towards our destination on the ocean's other side.

从有人在大西洋上航海的早期开始,人们就知道所谓的“贸易风”会把船只一帆顺风地从东方送到西方。What everyone knows about trade winds is that, within this region and since the early days of Atlantic sailing, they have blown ships from east to west with surprising ease.

我们赶到了贸易风①下,以便乘风抵达我们要去的岛——我不能说得更明白了——而我们现在正驶向它,由一个目力好的人日夜担任观望。We had run up the trades to get the wind of the island we were after--I am not allowed to be more plain--and now we were running down for it with a bright lookout day and night.

更重要的是,在这次转变之后亚洲和非洲的季风环流变弱了,同时热带东太平洋区的贸易风环流也变弱了。Another finding of this research is that the African-Asian monsoon circulation is weaker and the trade wind over the tropical eastern Pacific is weaker as well after this transition.