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她适才还说你浮名呢。A. She talked at you just now.

是的,浮名蛮语不能击倒你。Yes, words can't bring U down.

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回想,是一种心里的浮名。Memory is a form of inner rumor.

回想,是一种心坎的浮名。Memory is a sort of inner rumor.

并且不可以或许说别人的浮名。And could not say evil of others.

爱情是一个细心策画的浮名。Love is a motor vehicleefully designed lie.

不要在背地说人浮名。Don't speak ill of others behind their backs.

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古代许多文人因种种原因而奇身酒色,“忍把浮名,换了浅斟低唱”。Many scholars have to place hope on wine and women because of all kinds of factors.

如果浮名仅可在炮口中取得,我愿意亲自跑一趟,前提是炮弹必须是空的。If the bubble reputation can be obtained only at the cannon's mouth, I am willing to go there for it, provided the cannon is empty.

⊙、人世间的煊赫光荣,往往产生在罪恶之中,为了身外的浮名,牺牲自己的良心。In the world of xuan glorious, often produced in sin, in order to create undeserved reputation, the sacrifice of their own conscience.

有人追逐浮名,以为这样可以帮助他们在与同伴的相处中获得安全。Some people have sought to become famous and renowned, thinking that thus they would make themselves secure against their fellow-humans.

从而使王华对他很失望,嫌他不求艺术真谛,只图浮名,不时给予其眼色看。Wang for his so very disappointed too that he did not seek the true meaning of art, only the limelight at all, from time to time for their eyes to see.

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陌上花发,梳理着微醉的心事,忍把浮名,换了低吟浅唱的曲调,结了霜的泪,葬了昨夜的烟花雨,泯灭与幻散在弹指一挥间破碎。Procumbens flowers hair comb, and mind, can float, changed croon tunes, frosted tears, was last night's rain of fireworks, consumption and phantom scattered pronto breaking.