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不按图片顺序。Non-numerical sequence.

依字母顺序的。It's in alphabetical order.

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关于出生顺序的调查。The poll about birth order.

我认为什么顺序都行。I think it is just whatever.

按对话的顺序在图上标出来。Number the pictures in order.

先后顺序怎样安排?What do you put next to what?

这份名单是按年龄顺序排列的。The list is arranged in years.

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混合泳接力赛的顺序又是怎样的呢?And the order in medley relays?

一个伟大的时间顺序过意见!A great chronological over-view!

可不能把这个顺序搞反了。We can never disrupt this order.

其修习顺序极为不同。The order here is very different.

他们如何管理优先顺序?How do they manage prioritization?

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冷身---热身的逆顺序。Cool down by reversing the warm-up.

在英语中有单词的顺序。There's a English sequence of words.

我们按此顺序讨论这种方法。We discuss the method in this order.

我们如何发现正确的顺序?How do we discover the correct order?

我们用另一种顺序求二阶偏导数。Now let's take it in the other order.

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请把那些数字按顺序制成表。Please tabulate the numbers in order.

一张记录着日常喂养顺序的时间表。A timesheet records the daily routine.

档案资料必须分类按顺序排列。First sort filing material into order.