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他是班上数一数二的好学生。He is at the top of his class.

两者的动力都是同级别车中数一数二的。Both are the same power level in one of the vehicles.

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泰国的海滩也是世界上数一数二的。The beaches in Thailand are some of the best in the world.

而贝肯仍旧是好莱坞数一数二的电影明星。Bacon still remains one of the top movie stars in Hollywood.

泰式料理通常被列为世界上数一数二的美食。Thai food is regularly rated as some of the best in the world.

蓝染队长的能力在队长当中数一数二。Captain Aizen's ability has ranked among the top of all captains.

库卓的父亲是世界上治疗头痛疾病数一数二的专家之一。Kudrow's father is one of the world's leading experts in headaches.

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他们还会是联盟里数一数二的篮板组合.And they would form one of the top rebounding tandems in the league.

今儿个说的便是这老北京数一数二的名小吃——羊头马。Today, let's talk about the famous snack in Beijin, called Sheep Head Ma.

据说立于其上往下俯瞰,所见风景之壮观在全爱尔兰数一数二。And a view from the top is said to be one of the most spectacular in Ireland.

彼得森正在领导这个瑞典数一数二的地产业主专案。Pettersson is heading the project for one of Sweden's largest property owners.

这些卫星轨道的复杂度在太阳系当中算是数一数二的。The orbits of these moons are some of the most complicated in the solar system.

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今儿个说的便是这老北京数一数二的名小吃——羊头马。Today, let's discuss the snack with reputedly in ancient Beijing called Sheepshead Ma.

梅雷莱斯在利物浦是数一数二的,他在一周内攻入的第二粒进球简直可以被放入DVD集锦。Meireles was excellent here, with his second goal in a week one for the DVD collection.

今儿个说的便是这老北京数一数二的名小吃——羊头马。We are gonna talk about one of the most famous snacks in Beijing---the Ma's sheepshead.

要是你想进入一所真正不错的大学,你的学习成绩就得是数一数二的。If you want to get into a really good college, you've got to have a top academic record.

这不仅仅是因为他的防守,这一点已经逐渐地被联盟中认可为是后卫中数一数二的。Not even for his defense, which is gradually being recognized as league-best for a guard.

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而殷彩霞高中毕业后没这么做,很多人都不理解,毕竟她的长相在村里是数一数二的。A lot of people don't understand what is she thinking of as she has the pretty face and body.

故宫博物院中国文物的收藏量之多,是世界上数一数二的。NO01,2. The National Palace Museum has one of the world's largest collections of Chinese art.

普林斯顿大学有世界级的语文系,拥有世界上数一数二的语文教师。Princeton has a world-class language teaching programme, with some of the world's best teachers.