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用于耐火制品。Used for fire-resistant products.

耐火度达1200摄氏度。Our logs can resist 1200 centigrade.

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总结了可溶性耐火纤维生物性能的测试方法。The development of bio-soluble refractory fibres was reviewed.

概要介绍了耐火纤维的发展趋势。The development trend of refractory fibers was briefed as well.

为预测耐火纤维材料的热物性探索了一条新方法。So it can be used to predict thermal properties of refractory fibers.

介绍了蒸汽锅炉耐火混凝土炉墙现浇成型施工工艺。The technology of instant concret steam boiler shelling is introduced.

摘要介绍了蒸汽锅炉耐火混凝土炉墙现浇成型施工工艺。The technology of instant concret steam boiler shelling is introduced.

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耐火纤维材料是一种具有复杂微空间结构的多孔介质材料。Refractory fiber is a kind of porous medium with complex microstructure.

耐火纤维喷涂是纤维机械化施工的一种新工艺。The spray coating is a new technology for fiber mechanical construction.

炉膛采用新型耐火纤维材料,真空成型,炉丝镶嵌在炉膛内壁炉温均匀,升温快。The hearth is formed into a vacuum using new type refractory fiber material.

介绍了两个足尺钢柱的耐火试验。Fire-resistant experiments on two full scale steel columns are first presented.

硅线石耐火浇注料适用于流化床锅炉的燃烧部位。Sillimanite refractory castable is good in use at combustion zone in CFB boilers.

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艾利克给托德穿上了一件合身的耐火服,以及覆盖全身的火红的披肩。Eric dressed him in the appropriate fire-retardant attire, with flaming cape and all.

研究了涂料层中不同耐火粉料及粘结剂等因素对涂层强度的影响。Some factors affecting coating strength, such as refractory and binder, were studied.

难治性组合是由波特兰水泥,石英砂,珍珠岩和耐火粘土。The refractory mix is composed of Portland cement, silica sand, perlite and fireclay.

溶剂及化学工业,塑胶业,陶瓷及耐火材等。Solvents and chemicals industries, plastics industry, ceramics and refractory materials.

镁碳质炉体自流热补料具有耐火度高、抗侵蚀、操作简单等优点。The product has figures as high temperature, resistance for erosion, and easy to handle.

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颜色洁白、尺寸规整,集耐火、隔热、保温于一体。Color white, size regular, set fire-resistant, heat insulation, thermal insulation in one.

对耐火泥浆经过低温冻结和融解后的性能表现进行了实验研究。The performance of refractory slurry after freezed and melted is researched in this paper.

用于各种工业炉窑的耐火内衬,如高炉、风炉、热炉、热炉、炉等。Used for lining in blast furnaces, hot air stoves, coke ovens and other industry furnaces.