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而我相信你的一面之词?And I just take your word?

美国媒体都是一面之词。US media is one-side story.

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Careny问到,”这仅仅是华尔街的一面之词?So is this just a Wall Street trope?

你只听到了莫妮卡的一面之词。You only hear Monica's side of that.

你听到的只是一面之词。You're hearing one side of the story.

我不想听理性的一面之词。I do not want to hear what reason says.

你只听了他的一面之词。You've only heard his side of the story.

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就其本质而言,历史始终是一面之词。History is always written by the winners.

当然,这仅仅是数字漫画分销商的一面之词。Of course, these are digital distributors talking here.

就其本质而言,历史始终是一面之词。By its very nature, history is always a one-sided account.

他以为阿肯色州的媒体都会听他的一面之词。He thought he would have the Arkansas press all to himself.

这种说法固然是事实的一个因素,但是实在是太过于一面之词。There is an element of truth in this interpretation but it is far too one-sided.

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“我们只有你的一面之词,和一些琐碎的证据,”欧比万说,“这才是问题所在。”"We have only your word for it, along with everything else, " Obi-Wan said. "That is the problem. "

一名美国官员认为红十字会的报告只采纳了恐怖分子的一面之词,不足为信。AU.S.official dismissed the Red Cross report as a mere compilation ofallegations made by terrorists.

彭日成否认了这些指控,称政府的指控基于手下一位愤怒雇员的一面之词。Mr. Pang denied those allegations, saying the government based its case on the word of a disgruntled employee.

不要把所有的责任、冲突归于某于一方,特别是如果你所听到的只有一面之词。Never assume that all the blame for a conflict lies on one side, especially if you have heard only one side of the story.

万幸的是,瑞斯汀沃斯与附近村庄中善良的人民并没有听信一面之词,因为凡事都有它的两个方面,于是决定全盘考虑这个事情。Thankfully the good people of Wrestlingworth and surrounding villages weren't that dumb and decided that there were normally two sides to every story.

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生产相机和医疗成像设备的奥林巴斯说,普华永道的报告属一面之词,还说自己就Gyrus交易所支付的咨询费是合法的。The maker of cameras and medical-imaging equipment has called the Pricewaterhouse report one-sided and has said its advisory payments in the Gyrus deal were legitimate.

简单地说就是——不能总是依靠北联的官员,不能相信他们的一面之词——他们的话要么是出于对战果的骄傲自满,要么就是自欺欺人,有的甚至完全是判断错误。And, simply put, its officials cannot always be depended on and what they say cannot be taken at face value -either out of arrogance, self-deception, macho posturing or simple errors of judgment.