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忠言是价值千金。Good hints is more price.

他听不进你的忠言。He is deaf to your earnest advice.

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本人对他讲的话,固然逆耳,倒是忠言。I talk to him with brutal frankness.

忠言对我们无害,假如你能听进去的话。Better words don?t harm to us , if you can follow them.

难道仅仅是因为大众不听信忠言?Is this because the majority just won't listen to reason?

谢谢宝贝的忠言。我会小心翼翼的买4D。Thank you BaoBei8836. I will be very careful when I buy 4D.

爱你的忠言且记下,即使你目前不起它。Write down the advice of him that coves you , though you like it not at present.

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良言即使在寒冬都可以温暖人心,但忠言同样必不可少。Good words will be warming in the cold winter, but bad words are also indispensable.

感恩在顺境中忠言提醒你的人,是他们帮你校正了航向。Thanksgiving in prosperity our advice to remind you of person, is them to help you correction course.

爸爸等人都规劝罗密欧不要去触“霉头”,但是他对忠言充耳不闻。Daddy et al. said not to push that little red button, but Romeo was not one to heed red-button-advice.

没有一个人比找到一个以逆耳的忠言相告的真诚朋友的人更没有朋友的了。There is no man so friendless but what he can find a friend sincere enough to tell him disagreeable truths.

一个成功的领导者总是保持开朗的态度,听取逆耳的忠言。A successful leader always keeps a liberal attitude and listens to candid advice that may be unpleasant to the ear.

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但是我的忠言并没有太大帮助,从那以后,我们聘用新职员的时候就更加谨慎了。Unfortunately my advice didn't seem to help much but we were more careful when we hired new staff after that incident.

因为当他的国家在危机时,他无可奈何,国王不接受他的忠言。Because he couldn't do anything when his country was at the point of crisis. The king didn't accept his sincere advice.

一个贫寒而明智的青年,胜过一个年老昏愚,而总不采纳忠言的君王。Better is a child that is poor and wise, than a king that is old and foolish, who knoweth not to foresee for hereafter.

尤其到了王朝末期,政治腐败,统治者已经不再按照法律定罪的时候,进献忠言的士人更容易被按上各种罪名。Especially at the end of the dynasty, the government was not based the law to criminate, the intellectual was easy to be a criminal.

我以明智忠言与善意规劝告诫所有世人,尤其这群人,不得煽动、吵闹、争执和冲突。We exhorted all men, and particularly this people, through Our wise counsels and loving admonitions , and forbade them to engage in sedition, quarrels, disputes and conflict.