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说的太好了,痛快淋漓!Say good with great eloquence!

劳笠爆发出一阵男孩子式的痛快淋漓的大笑。Laurie burst out with a hearty boy's laugh.

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顶着紫发的那个夏天,我过得痛快淋漓。That summer with purple hair was absolutely amazing.

她们凑在一起对那伙人发表了一通痛快淋漓的批评。They all joined in a very spirited critique upon the party.

痛快淋漓的讲话真好,不需要再委屈自己了。Stirringly talking was really good, didn't need to discommode oneself again.

感谢你,让我可以毫无顾忌地把一个真实自我,毫不掩饰地在你面前痛快淋漓的展现。Thank you, let me freely to a true self, undisguised in front of you with great eloquence show.

该下的时候就下上一场痛快淋漓的大雨,说停了也会戛然而止,好不痛快!The next time the next heavy rain on a making stirring that will stop the abrupt end , no better , too!

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然而她画面的刚毅,自由、果敢和达练的人生体验尽情挥洒、倾泻在画布上的感观却让人痛快淋漓。Meanwhile, her paintings are full of strength, freedom, courage and life experience which impresses people a lot.

这种爱意也会以花体字的形式精心地写在一张鲜花封面的卡片上,或按照现代人的方式痛快淋漓地表达出来。It might be delicately written in curlicue letters on a flower covered card or poignantly stated in the modern manner.

在小说中,作家不仅痛快淋漓地颠覆了西方中心论,而且也建构了人类社会应有的生存方式。In the fiction, the writer not only destabilizes the west-centrism, but also constructs a should-be life style of human beings.

他们想爱,仿佛最后的挣扎,痛快淋漓地爱一场,只为年少轻狂时对轰轰烈烈爱情的想往。They want to love, as if the last fight, making stirring a love only for the young and frivolous to the time of vigorous love to.

通过这场角逐,把法国查理十世复辟王朝时期官僚政治的种种弊端揭露得痛快淋漓。They scheme against each other. The corrupt practice of bureaucracy during The Restoration of Charles X of France is exposed with nothing left.

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痛快淋漓表述后留给嘴巴的不仅是快感,还有口干舌燥,以及对言多必失的恐惧和反思。After expressing to one's great satisfaction, he will feel not only pleasure with his mouth, but also thirsty, feared and reflected to the possible mistakes of too much words.