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那高围墙使他逃跑的希受挫。The high wall mocked his hopes of escaping.

一切受挫的愿望,一切严厉的拒斥All the thwarted longings, all the stern denials

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你让我想爱,让我想跌倒受挫。You make me wanna love , you make me wanna fall.

欣儿多次找到董旺,却一次次受挫。Find DongWang DuoCi son of, but time frustration.

请求祂将你的受挫化为耐心。Ask him to transform your discouragement into patience.

这些希望受挫,造成了广泛的愤怒。The thwarting of those hopes has led to widespread anger.

本周你可能会受挫,受限制,而感到焦虑。Frustrations and limitations could cause anxiety this week.

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当恋爱受挫,那些人只是爱得更加沉重。When romantic love is thwarted, the lover just love harder.

安东告诉我,这是他在贝鲁特网上交友的第二次受挫,他第一次的经历不仅很糟糕,甚至可以说很可怕。His first experience was not only bad, he told me, but scary.

详情请见关于受挫市场信心回归的报道。Read about the return of some confidence to battered markets.

他们,我认为,并未失望,或者说并未受挫。They are, I think, not so disappointed, or not so frustrated.

因此,失败虽然使我们受挫,但能使我们受益。Therefore, failure not only disappoints us but alo benefits us.

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这样一来军队不会疲惫,士气受挫,而能取得全胜。Thus his troops are not worn out and his victories are complete.

有时她会像我妈妈对待我那样让我受挫。Sometimes she frustrates me in the same way my mom frustrates me.

通用汽车用不同档次多种品牌“抱团”打天下的策略也开始受挫。GM's strategy of offering a multiplicity of brands started to fray.

好吧,从MeetUp.com事件描述开始谈起实在太让人受挫。Ok, that was pretty much ripped from the event description.

不过他承认安全困难可能使计划受挫。He admits, however, that insurance difficulties might scupper that idea.

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每次看到他举止如此幼稚我都会感到很受挫。I feel disconcerted each time I see him behave in such a childish manner.

中国房地产市场的繁荣造就了一大批沮丧受挫的单身汉阶层。China's housing boom has created a woefully frustrated class of bachelors.

同样每年,有许多人会受挫,并且在达到他们目标前就放弃了。And every year, many get frustrated and give up before they reach their goals.