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耶稣教给了我们度现世生活的方法。Jesus teaches us how to live in the present time.

无奈是,现世的晞岚,实在是无法接受这事实!Helpless, earthly Xi arashi is really cant accept this fact!

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但使岁月静好,现世安稳。今时今日,我们还是一样年轻,一样憧憬爱情。Maybe because I'm still the same person that let her go then.

董其昌对现世的感叹,说明了其中的许多道理。Dong Qichang on secular laments, illustrates many of the reasons.

宗教有襟怀旷大,超脱现世之精神。Open-minded religions Kuang large, detached spirit of this world.

他的想法颇能代表现世社会叙利亚年轻人的意识形态。He's fairly representative of young Syrian men in a secular society.

你能按照他们现世的时间顺序把他们排列成序么?Can you put them in an order according to the time when they appared?

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现世生活最可怕的就是只顾目前。The most damaging aspect of contemporary living is short-term thinking.

一个黑色物体在门和我之间移动,什么玩意?妖怪吗?不知是魔鬼现世还是仙人下凡。A dark object moved between the door and me, what? Eidolon ? Devil or fairy.

爱情与知识之皓伟美妙,使人如入天堂,但同情却将我拉回到现世。Love and knowledge, so far they were possible, led upward toward the heavens.

和其他法老一样,拉莫西斯二世也被认为是某个神的现世代表。Like other pharaohs, Ramses was considered an earthly representation of a god.

她精神崩溃了吗?又或者莉莉是一个幽灵,来到现世诅咒了她?Is she cracking up, or could Lily be a true-life doppelganger out to curse her?

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第二层台阶代表着现世和人的生命,其象征物是美洲虎。The second step represents the present, human life, and is symbolized by the jaguar.

对于基督徒,我们现在转向他们,这个情景太世俗或太现世了。For the Christians, to whom we now turn, this context is too earthly or this-worldly.

今生今世,但愿岁月静好,现世安稳,每天都能看见你的笑颜。I sincerely wish that I can see your smile in this tranquil and prosperous society every day.

主要统治穆斯林人口的现世政权经常禁止或强烈反对留胡子。Secular regimes that govern mainly Muslim populations often ban or strongly discourage beards.

现世此处苦,死后他处苦,作诸恶业者,两处俱受苦,现悲我作恶,堕恶趣更苦。The thought, "Evil have I done, " torments him, and he suffers even more when gone to realms of woe.

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最后为结语部分,总结“云南蒙古人”在历史与现世交汇处的“历史记忆”与“民族认同”感。Compared with northern Mongols, what were there differences on history memory and ethnic group's identity?

古埃及人的平均寿命只有35岁,他们对来世的痴迷是对现世的真实反映。Yet ancient Egyptians lived 35 years on average. Their obsession with the afterlife was a response to that reality.

但是在法国、比利时、与斯堪的纳维亚心土与他们现世的邻居持类似于的态度。But in France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Scandinavia , believers and their secular neighbours hold similar views.