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棉花糖,白白软软的。Candyfloss, sweet and soft.

这种布料摸起来软软的。This kind of cloth feels soft.

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她轻抚着兔子软软的毛。She stroked the rabbit's soft fur.

小女生的情歌。软软的果冻。Little girls love song. Soft jelly.

底层皮肤油油的、软软的。The bottom layer is fatty and soft.

绿绿的草儿悄悄地冒出头来,绒绒的,软软的。The green grass comes out quietly and softly.

我们能吹吹海风,还能踩在软软的沙子上。We can enjoy the sea breeze and the soft sand.

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软软的雨点儿开始降落,倾斜的,无声的。A soft rain began to fall, slanting, soundless.

“看见您的坟墓”,未加工的头非常软软地隆隆响了。"To see your grave, " Raw Head rumbled very softly.

对啊。我们能吹吹海风,还能踩在软软的沙子上。Yeah. We can enjoy the sea breeze and the soft sand.

软软的鼻涕虫斯华利,在轻轻地唱着一些傻傻的歌。Swarly the squishy slug softly sings some silly songs.

草的柔柔、软软、暖暖——而嬉耍其上的孩童的确属于嫩草世代。Our happy children do belong to an era of tender grass.

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软软柔柔的绒布终于可以回来了。Soft soft soft soft flannelette can come back eventually.

如果可以感觉到末端软软的,这管子就得马上换掉。Iftheends feel mushy, the hose should be replaced immediately.

纯棉的布料,软软柔柔的贴身,这个季节配件外套刚好。Cotton fabrics, soft Rou Rou's close, this season just parts jacket.

奥利希望让你坐进软软的浴盆中,让你水润的身体变得更自然水润。Ole wants you to go soft and take your eau natural body, eau natural.

Eclipse现在是业内主要的非微软软件工具平台。Eclipse is now the industry's major non-Microsoft software tool platform.

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而有着厚厚软软质感的雪地靴就是您的最好选择。And a thick carpet soft cork sense In the snow boots are your best choice.

我好喜欢,淡蓝的天空,辽阔的大海,软软的沙滩,还有小贝壳和海龟。I Like blue sky, the sea, land, soft sand and small seashells and turtles.

尼采的“强人意志”在云上也只能化作一团软软的棉花。Nietzsche 's "strong will" in the cloud can also be a ball of soft cotton.