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罗伯特指着冰面上刻着的一条线说,“你就站在这里。Just stand here.

石头上刻着一个人名。A name was chiselled into the stone.

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杰克灯就是一个刻着人面型的南瓜。A jack-o-lantern is a pumpkin with a face.

这个银碟上刻着我的名字。The silver plate was engraved with my name.

大学的校门上刻着一馈谚语。An idiom was engraved at the university gate.

在柱顶上刻着百合花。The capitals on top were in the shape of lilies.

墓碑上刻着,我告诉过你我那时病了。On the gravestone it says I told you I was sick.

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我的宝剑是从这个刻着记号的地方掉下去的。My sword fell into the river at this marked place.

这香烟盒上刻着他姓名的首字母。The cigarette CASE was engraved with his initials.

碑上刻着捐款者的名字。On the tablet are inscribed the names of the donators.

左臂紧抱着的书板上刻着1776年7月4日的字样。Her left arm holds atablet with the date July 4th, 1776.

另一面刻着,"这里是麦加拉,不是雅典"On the other side it says, this is Megara,it is not Athens.

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顺成街67号庭院的木门上刻着许多古文。On one set of doors of number 67, are carved many characters.

那杆猎枪是件漂亮的德国货,有刻着十字标尺线的瞄准镜。The rifle was a beautiful German thing with cross-hair sights.

这块玉上刻着他的名字,并被用作他的印章。This piece of gem was incised with his name and used as his seal.

一株树上刻着“比尔和多丽丝”。雪地上写着“雷克斯和丽塔”。"Bill & Doris" carved on a tree. "Rex & Rita" written in the snow.

我查看了把手,发现在金色的卷轴中刻着一个名字。I examined the handle and saw a name engraved among the golden scrolls.

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他从我们这偷走的金砖上刻着巴厘岛舞娘。The gold bricks he stole from us had a Balinese dancer stamped on them.

他指着老宅门前残存的刻着狮子的石墩说。He pointed out the front of the lion statue in front of the ones that left.

纪念碑上嵌着青铜板,上面刻着911事件遇难者的名字。The memorial features bronze panels on which the names of the dead are inscribed.