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深度挤压胃脏。Deep compression of stomach organs.

挤压石灰填补姜汁啤酒。Squeeze lime fill with ginger beer.

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犬牙和门牙挤压在一起。The canine is impacting on the incisor.

他挤压橘子一便榨出桔汁。He squeezed an orange to get the juice out.

我们当然会再购买柠檬挤压。We'll buy another lemon squeezer of course.

把水通过滤芯充分挤压漏接出来。Squeeze full bobble of water through filter.

子层在设计中空挤压。The sub-floor extrusion is hollow in design.

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熔铸设备,铝棒均质炉组,挤压设备。Hangxing Aluminium equipment plant Co. , Ltd.

重量挤压我的胸腔,压断了多条肋骨。The weight crushed my chest and broke my ribs.

用挤压手指检查包扎是否过紧。Check it's not too tight by pushing on the nail.

二是逆冲、右旋、挤压型断层地震。Second, the thrust, D, squeeze-fault earthquake.

那么砖茶是挤压在一起的茶了?Then the lump tea is the tea compressed together?

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这些数据表示的是基于挤压板材。The data representable is based on extruded sheet.

从过去来看,芝士棒,挤压的酸奶,汉堡包,对不起,也是不行的。Cheese sticks, squeezable yogurts, hamburgers? Sorry.

千万不要挤压痘痘,可用针挑出外面的东西。Do not squeeze acne, can pick out things that needle.

用力挤压眼睑可能会产生浓稠的分泌物。Firm pressure on the lid may express thick secretions.

药团通过挤压而成管状药。The dough was formed into tubular grains by extrusion.

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“收束”伴随着肌肉的收缩或挤压。Bandhas involve the contraction or squeezing of muscles.

挤压模,镶块,注塑模,芯轴。Extrusion tools, die inserts, injection mould, mandrels.

抓一小把柠檬叶并挤压涂抹在皮肤上。Grab a handful, crush the leaves and rub onto skin, too.