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1960年是一个闰年,我还只是一个有点儿笨拙和莽撞的少女,还在为彼得潘的故事所吸引。It was a leap year. 1960.

过度使用只会让你显得莽撞。Overuse will only make you look pushy.

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可能是我太莽撞无礼,咄咄逼人了。Perhaps I was too saucy and provoking.

莽撞鬼怪本回合不造成战斗伤害。Goblin Vandal deals no combat damage this turn.

他会认为你很莽撞的。Mr. collins he will consider it an impertinence.

那个莽撞的驾车人在这次车祸中丧生。The reckless driver died in the traffic accident.

他干这种活就想公牛进了瓷器店那样莽撞。He went about the job like a bull in a china shop.

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他自己也听得一呆,对自己的莽撞劲儿有点吃惊。He heard it numbly, a little amazed at his audacity.

不要莽撞,冒冒失失上去求爱,你肯定会遭拒绝。Not obtrusive, go up pertly courtship, you can refuse for certain.

林夕为自己的莽撞驾驶向水岛道歉。What Lin Xi is him is obtrusive drive to apologize to water island.

而且,就像气候变化那样,忽视其中任何一种可能都是莽撞的。And, like climate change, it may be foolhardy to ignore any of them.

在你的维持开始时,在莽撞鱆人上放置一个碎片指示物。At the beginning of your upkeep, put a shred counter on Cephalid Vandal.

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阿雅安,你是那么倔强,莽撞,还问那么多问题。Ayaan, you are stubborn, you are reckless and you ask too many questions.

亲爱的,原谅我的直白和莽撞,对于我的琐细请不要介意。My dear, forgive for my abruptness and frankness, forget my triviality please.

我要是早来一两个钟头,林惇夫人的病也许会阻止她这莽撞的行动。Had I been a few hours sooner, Mrs Linton's illness might have arrested her rash step.

客岁本人持续几回莽撞的闯进了古堡,被光怪陆离恐怖的魔鬼打得落花流水。Last year I hid for several times, into the castle of various terrible beats the devil.

不料就在此时又发生意外,报仇心切的纳若莽撞行动,结果被小岛次郎擒获。But just then and accident, eager for revenge if rash action, kojiro was island captured.

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如果说西部为它的粗野莽撞自鸣得意,它也急于要想温顺优雅。If the West gloried in being wild and woolly, it was also eager to be tame and cultivated.

我们生活黑客们必须从这里学到的经验是莽撞在生活中没有一席之地。The lesson we life hackers must learn from this is that recklessness has no place in life.

你只能在莽撞鬼怪攻击且未被阻挡时使用此异能,且每回合只能使用一次。Use this ability only if Goblin Vandal is attacking and unblocked and only once each turn.