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因为我们太相似了。Because we're alike.

什么是自相似呢?What is from similar?

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珍和露比想法相似。Jen and Ruby think alike.

何其相似乃尔!What a striking likeness!

他们有相似的目标。They had the similar aims.

但是两者有相似之处。But there are resemblances.

朱蒂和露比行为相似。Judy and Ruby behave alike.

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何其相似乃尔?What a striking similarity!

看看一个相似的例子。And, you can see a parallel.

这辆车与她的相似。This car is similar to hers.

有种希望太和绝望相似。One hope is too like despair.

相似的人会相轻“"Similarity breeds contempt?"

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我看不太出这与道德风险有何相似之处。Is this a form of moral hazard?

他们惊人的相似。They had an uncanny resemblance.

这是非常相似的步步高。It is very similar to backgammon.

他们的性格很相似。They are much alike in character.

但是照片和露丝很相似But the photograph resembles Ruth.

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其作用与哇巴因相似。It′s action is similar to ouabain.

并非所有南方口音都是相似的。All southern accents are not alike.

相似倒是会产生魅力?Similarity breeds attraction. Okay?