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对含盐土的渗透系数进行了室内试验研究。The permeability of saline soils is studied in laboratory.

有很多种类的盐土植物具有肥厚的茎叶,属于肉质植物。Many have a succulent growth form with swollen stems or leaves.

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红树林盐土是红树植被下的一类特殊土壤。Mangrove solonchak is a special type of soil under mangrove vegetation.

这个结果将对滨海泥质盐碱地盐土的造林绿化和土地复垦提供理论依据。The results provide theoretical basis in afforestation and land reclamation in saline-alkali land.

本研究对苏打化硫酸盐草甸盐土改良过程中易溶性盐分的变化规律作了初步探讨。This work reports on the Variations of soluble salts in soda sulphate meadow solonchak reclaimation.

盐土农业的关键是选育有经济价值的耐盐植物以适应盐渍环境。The kernel of solonchak agriculture is to breed halophyte with high economy to endure the saline environment.

本试验重点是对土壤激活剂BGA改良滨海盐土进行最基本的理论研究。The point is the basic theories studying on BGA soil activation improving seashore Saline soil in the experiment.

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对松嫩平原地区苏打渍盐土公路的路基壤土本土化利用有十分重要的意义。Songnen plain areas of saline soil type soda highway roadbed soil using the importance of localization significance.

滩涂盐土农业利用的主要障碍是盐分含量过高和缺乏有机质。The main obstacles of mudflat saline soil for agricultural use include high salt content and lack of organic matter.

松嫩平原分布有大面积的渍盐土,多数属于内陆苏打渍盐土。Songnen plain a large area of the distribution of saline soil, the majority belonging to inland saline soil type soda.

天津滨海盐土已出现脱盐碱化趋势,其碱化程度从轻度碱化到重度碱化。There is trend of salt-leaching alkalization in Tianjin coast saline soils, which alkaline degree ranges from light to high.

利用盆钵土壤自动供水装置,定量研究了稻草不同覆盖量对滨海盐土水盐运动的影响。Through using self-irrigating greenhouse pots, the effect of straw cover amount on saltwater movement was studied quantitatively.

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以高肥力非盐土和高、低肥力滨海盐土盆栽棉花,研究了盐渍土肥力和盐分对棉花生长发育与生理特性的影响。Inland non-saline soil with high fertility and saline soils with low or high fertility were potted to cultivate cotton plants outdoors.

另一方面弃土放置地区的农业和环境将受到运移渍盐土置入后的有害影响。On the other hand spoil placement areas of agriculture and the environment placed in saline soil after the migration of harmful effects.

主要地带性土壤为砖红壤,同时还有赤红壤、燥红壤、滨海盐土和水稻土等。The latosol dominates this zone, but as an exception, there are also lateritic red soil, paddy soil, coastal solonchak and dry red soil.

它是所谓盐土植物,或海水的多汁植物,只要定期灌溉海水,即使天气酷热,土壤贫瘠,盐角草属植物仍可茁壮成长。A so-called halophyte, the briny succulent thrives in hellish heat and pitiful soil on little more than a regular dousing of ocean water.

这些都较大地提高了白刺的利用价值,为重盐碱区提供了良好的盐土改良植物。And these all improve the Nitratia 's practical values and provide an excellent plant for the improvement of the high saline and alkaline area.

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中华补血草可改善盐碱土的土壤结构,使盐土脱盐,被誉为盐碱地改造的“先锋植物”。It is crowned as a "pioneering plant"in salina land due to the function of removing salt from salt-soil and of improving the structure of soil.

并在草甸盐土上种植了鲁梅克斯草,脱盐改土效果十分明显。An experiment of planting Rumex K-1 was carried out on meadow solonchak with results showing significant effects on desalting and ameliorating the soil.

指盐分含量较高的沼泽地带。生长于盐沼的植被,主要由盐土植物种类组成,如分布在河口与泥泞海岸处植物类群。Saltmarsh Vegetation growing in saline or brackish marshy places, such as river estuaries and sheltered, muddy coasts, and consisting mainly of HALOPHYTES.