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她惊呼,“谁会盯孩子们的梢?Who's stalking the kids there?

你的妹妹开始惊呼。And your sister starts to scream.

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“我们将要失去一些优秀的公司”,最近,一些科技公司的投资者们发出这样的惊呼。We are going to lose some good companies.

特雷福惊呼道,“我可真没想到会是这样。”Trevor awed. “I never imagined it to be like this!”

有人惊呼团购冬天已至。Somebody exclamations group purchase winter has come.

真可恶!另一个惊呼道。难道你不烦吗?How terrible! exclaimed the other. Does it bother you?

“哦,我的妈呀,那狗嗥的原来是他呀!”两个孩子不约而同地惊呼道。Oh, geeminy, it's HIM! " exclaimed both boys, in a breath."

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“哇,这只海豹长得真像爸爸哦!”儿子冲着爸爸惊呼。"Wow, this seal is looking exactly like my dad! " exclaims the.

现在已经57岁了,他回忆到“那个时候我惊呼‘天哪,这不就说的我吗’”。“And I said, ‘My god, ’” recalls McAuliffe, now 57. “‘That’s me.’”

那四人不约而同的大声惊呼,脸露敬畏之色。The four exclaimed in unison, with an awestruck look on their faces.

今朝重见天日,专家惊呼犹如发现"迷失的世界"。Experts said the find was exciting and like looking into a "lost world".

白雪见状,立即大声惊呼这孩子是神仙下凡。Snow White looked at, is nian saw immediately loudly exclaimed the child.

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看到一个多年未见的朋友,吉姆发出了一声惊呼。Meeting unexpectedly a friend he hadn't seen for years, Jim voiced his surprise.

刚面世的时候,人们都惊呼不止,赞叹其时尚性感的外观。When they first came out people were like. Oh, my god, they're so sleek, so sexy.

之后亚裔男生看到她们跟白人手牵手时会惊呼“我早知道她们是这种人!”Asian men later see them hand in hand with White men and think, “Yep, I knew it. It figures.”

接着布吕尼又说了些更为露骨的用语,连其中的一位主持人都惊呼“天啊,不要!”She then moves on to more explicit phrases sparking an “oh no!” from one of the interviewers.

“当然知道啦,”石匠反驳道,“人们看到会惊呼‘太奇怪了!’”"Certainly will," retorted the stonecutter. "people will read it and exclaim, "That's Strange!"

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“由田继夫”男性生理内裤在上市短短一个月,就引起一片惊呼!By Tian Jifu" male physiological underpants is listed in a short span of a month, causing a exclamation!"

一个单音节的惊呼可能引起别人的注意,但不会太有利于交流。A monosyllabic exclamation may get someone's attention but will not otherwise do much for human communication!

随着轮船上一阵惊呼,河上噗通一声,浪花迸溅,我不觉自己所坐的船陡的沉入了水中。I heard a great cry on board the steamer and a loud splash in the water, and felt the boat sink from under me.