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物流“和”网络并驾齐驱,在种种媒介上纵横驰骋。Logistics" and "network in unison across the various media.

本想让我们的想象力纵横驰骋一番,到头来却是又一场强塞给我们的自动武器交火所涂抹的高潮。We want a leap of the imagination, not one of those obligatory climaxes with automatic weapons fire.

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是什么影响了您,让您选择进入IT这个被认为是男人纵横驰骋的行业?It is what affected you, let you choose to enter the industry that is IT considered as man move about freely and quickly this?

秉承“客户是上帝”的服务理念,让德美的产品在国内外市场上纵横驰骋。Of" customer is God, " a belief in service, so that Germany and the United States swept the products in domestic and overseas markets.

随着新世纪的到来,这个在世界海军中令人瞩目的“天之骄子”,作为美国海军的中坚,继续在蓝色的大洋中纵横驰骋。As the new century, this striking navy in the world of "lucky" as the backbone of the U. S. Navy to continue to dash about the blue ocean.

以下列举的是20款未来派氢动力概念车设计,其中一些最酷的代表不久后便可在街道上纵横驰骋。These20 futuristic hydrogen vehicle concept designs are some the coolest conceptdesigns that we’d like to see rolling down the highway soon.

庞大而便利的交通网络,成为令人激越的都市动线,让您纵横驰骋城市每一处。The large convenient communications network has formed an exciting metropolitan dynamic curve enabling you to gallop though every corner of the metropolis.

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纵横驰骋的骏马奔腾激越,映衬着大草原的辽阔美丽,牧民们喜悦的心情随之融入乐曲中。And the following music is mixed with the feelings of the gallant horses marching unhindered over the vast beautiful grasslands and the herdsmen's joyous moods.

庞大而便利的交通网络,成为令人激越的都市动线,让您纵横驰骋城市每一处。The large and convenient communications network has formed an exciting metropolitan dynamic curve, enabling you to gallop though every corner of the metropolis.

一周的时间里,孩子们亲身体验了斑马军团的训练方式,他们穿着尤文的球衣在场上纵横驰骋。For one week in Beaverton, at Nike's world headquarters, the kids who took part in the camp had the chance to appreciate Juventus' training methods and wear our strip.

夜的浓黑中,缓步前行,抑或纵横驰骋,耳边刮过的是清风,眼前飘过的是球场上疾驰的身影,心中却涌动不起什么。The thick black night, the slowly forward, or dash, ear scratch is the breeze, eyes drifting across the pitch on the gallop of the figure, what the mind can not afford it surging.

门球比赛按序号规律从①到⑩排序,单独一人在场内纵横驰骋,是攻是防输赢攸关。Ball catch match arrives from ① by serial number rule ⑩ sort, alone one person is attendant inside move about freely and quickly , be attacking is to prevent be defeated win remote to close.