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我现在长大了,不能陪你玩了,我要成家了,但我还没有房子,你能帮我吗?I don’t have time toplay.

长子和长女都已经成家。And the eldest sister is already married.

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他成家前寻花问柳。He tomcatted around before settling down.

现在他已经安定下来结婚成家了。And now he's settled down into married life.

吉姆其实并不急于娶亲成家,生儿育女。Jim wasn't fundamentally mad about a home and kids.

老大林国栋、老二林国梁已经各自成家。Boss Lin Guodong, Dick Lin Guoliang have their family.

你不会记得自己已经成家立室。You won't remember getting married or having children.

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我问道,“别忘了,你已经成家---还有三个孩子。”I asked. 'You've got a family-three young children, remember.

他发了小财,一心想结婚成家过安定的日子。He made a small fortune, intent on marriage and settling down.

我想另外一些都是希望能和我成家的人。I think the others hope they can be the one that settles me down.

到目前为止它还尚未成家,但我们即将让它成为由我们创建的那个家。It’s not home yet, but we’re going to make it the home we create.

长期以来中国人习惯于在年纪轻轻时就结婚成家,这似乎已成了规范。Universal marriage at a young age has long been the norm in China.

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鸭仔无娘也长大,几多白手也成家。Ducks son no niang also grew up, how much is a family with nothing.

1986年,黄与何结婚成家后,依然劣性不改。In 1986, Huang Ho marriage and families, the bad and still not changed.

他表示,他在日本成家,与火腿斗士还有合约,所以不会考虑离开日本。He's got a family here in Japan and a contract with Nippon Ham Fighters.

成家的烦恼被伟解决,伟勇武的形象令成一家人产生好感。Wai solves Sing's problem, Sing's family is admired by Wai's courageous image.

方妈妈就这一个宝贝女儿,她希望方早点结婚成家,她好来抱外孙。Her Mum wants her to marry earlier, so she could be able to see her grandchildren.

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在我成家和有了自己的家庭生活以后,父亲又去了欧洲,并且在法国停留。After I married and had my own family, Dad visited Europe again, stopping in Paris.

都宾年纪太轻,还不能成家,所以写信回家请示他妈妈去了。Dobbin was too young to keep house, and had written home to ask leave of his mamma.

住在附近的会送瓷器、银器或小两口儿成家后用的东西。Those who live close will give china, silverware or something for the couple's house.