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而我的兄长却迎娶了美丽的女人!My brother woos a fair woman!

早上的迎娶和晚上的囍宴都很适合。Best for morning and evening event.

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他还补充说,哈立德正期待着在15岁那年正式迎娶哈拉。Khalid is waiting until he is 15 to marry Hala.

“新娘彩礼”是非洲为迎娶新娘而支付报酬的一种风俗。Lobola is the African custom of paying for a bride.

难道我要孤老终生,或是让万能的太阳神来迎娶我?Should I be along all my life? Or should Baal marry me?

小小骑士迎娶了公主,分得半壁江山。The littlest knight married her and got half the kingdom.

当他决定迎娶他所爱的Lucetta时,他的前妻出现了。When he decided to marry his love Lucetta, his ex-wife appeared.

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南非总统雅各布·祖玛将要迎娶第三位妻子。South Africa's President Jacob Zuma is set to marry his third wife.

他迎娶了唐朝信佛的文成公主。He married Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty who believed in Buddhism.

波卡涅拉接受此建议,并希望藉以提升自己的地位以便迎娶玛丽亚。Boccanegra accepts, hoping that his position will enable him to marry Maria.

他一定要干出名堂来,然后风风光光迎娶她。He decided that he must make some accomplishment and then marry her grandly.

2007年,本拉登之子奥马尔迎娶了英国人扎娜。The couple, Bin Laden's son Omar and his British wife Zaina, married in 2007.

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许多男子爱上女孩的酒窝,结果竟犯了迎娶整个女孩的错误。Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.

当乙恒愤恨不已时,三水向乙恒提出迎娶雪乔。When YiHeng indignation unceasingly, sanshui YiHeng proposed to marry snow Joe.

然而,仍然有许多挪威人支持哈康王储做出的选择-迎娶自己心爱的人。And many Norwegians support Haakon's decision to marry a woman he obviously loves.

松赞干布建这个宫殿是为了迎娶唐朝的文成公主。King Songtsan Gampo built this palace to marry Princess Wencheng from Tang Dynasty.

那里有吐蕃王松赞干布等待迎娶这位唐朝皇帝的女儿。There waiting to marry the Tibetan King Songtsan the Tang Dynasty emperor's daughter.

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1983年,普京迎娶了前空姐柳德米拉,而同年卡巴耶娃刚刚出生。He married Ludmila, a former air hostess, in 1983, the same year as Miss Kabayeva was born.

荣狄命令将丁瑶幽禁后宫,择好日子迎娶为王后!DingYao sardis command will honor the shameless, choosing good day for the temple married queen!

他写了一封艰难的长信,给戴尔长官,请求允许自己迎娶宝嘉康蒂。He composed a long, laborious letter to Governor Dale asking for permission to marry Pocahontas.