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一个潜心于特殊技术方法练习的人。There are other ways to do this exercise.

在晚上,他潜心于书本。In the evenings, he buries himself in a book.

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乔治以前一直把法律作为职业潜心攻读。George used to be bent on law as a profession.

她只是一个潜心于暑期实践作业的学生。She’s a student working on her summer project.

当你潜心工作时,把你的智能手机也藏好。While you're at it, hide your smartphone there too.

她父亲过去到过日本几年,潜心研究禅学。Her father had spent several years in Japan studying Zen.

这项成果是汤普森潜心研究超过8年的发明。It was invented and refined by Thompson over eight years.

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这些实验被一遍又一遍潜心致志地做过。The experiments were done most carefully again and again.

于是一介布衣,潜心在山林中独居修行。Then he gave up everything to remain a recluse practitioner.

你需我来趋于衡平,寻求对照,潜心祝祷,舒缓内心。You need be for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace

毕业以后,他继续潜心于这项研究。After he graduated, he continued to devote himself to the research.

合作潜心于原则上包括的用户。The Collaboration is dedicated to consumer involvement in principle.

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那些声称男人女人都一个样的人真该再多下番功夫潜心研究研究。Those who claim that women and men are alike should do a little research.

她摆脱了一切烦恼,潜心研究科学。She quit herself of all worries and devoted herself to the study of science.

科学家因潜心于科学研究,所以没兴趣关注外界的事情。The pursuit of science withdraws a scientist's interest from external things.

他目前正潜心研究最新的教学软件。He is working on the research and development of the latest teaching software.

通过自己研究和潜心练习,我拥有了超能力。I possess superpowers cultivated through careful study and dedicated practice.

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我们会不会不再潜心欣赏风景,而总是担心要去哪里?Do we always stop enjoying where we are, only to worry about where we are going?

它会做像关塔那摩主题的潜心研究,然后发出报告。It would do painstaking research on topics like Guantanamo, and then issue reports.

经过公司潜心经营,被誉为-----低成本女装批发专家。After the company concentrated business, known as low-cost womens wholesale ----- experts.