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边防战士在站岗。The border guards are on guard.

我们坚持做“边防战士”。We persisted in being "border army".

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边防战士击退了进攻的敌人。The fort 's defenders repelled the attacking enemy.

你知道,已经通过了天堂的边防检查”,白令说。You know, cleared customs in heaven, " Bering says.

在此基础上,以京军为后盾的分地防御的边防格局初步形成。Then a new system of the frontier defence was formed.

我们的边防战士在敌人猛烈进攻下巍然不动。Our frontier guards held up under fierce enemy attack.

泉港边防大队的一位负责人对记者说。Quangang border for a group of people said to reporters.

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文工团常年在边防部队流动。The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards.

士兵和巴基斯坦边防部队一起练习射击。Soldiers with Pakistan's Frontier Corps practice shooting.

韩佳,为什么这座桥有边防部队在站岗呢?。Han Jia, why are frontier soldiers standing guard on the bridge?

该组织整编为边防卫队的最后期限在四月份终止。The deadline expired in April for the group to transform into BGF.

边防战士们日日夜夜守卫着祖国的边疆。Day and night, frontier guards defend our motherland's border areas.

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边防战士和民兵一起把入侵者赶了出去。The frontier guards together with the militiamen drove out the invaders.

他说如果佤联军在9月份之前还未加入边防警卫部队,那么就将成为非法。He said the UWSA would be outlawed if it did not join the BGF by September.

这幅图里,人群中的一个人将一个热水壶递给一个边防兵。Here, someone from the crowd hands a thermos flask up to one of the guards.

缅甸军政府在2009年6月命令新孟邦党整编成边防警卫部队。The Burmese junta ordered the NMSP to form a border guard force in June 2009.

MSS是一种集成监视系统,可以扩大海关和边防部门的监视范围。MSS is an integrated surveillance system extending the eyes of the CBP agents.

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我边防战士在自卫战中打退了入侵的军队。Our frontier guards, fighting in self-defence, threw back the invading troops.

而这张2000年的照片中,坦克和东德的边防士兵被一个复制的守卫室和成群的游客替代。a replica guardhouse and hordes of tourists. This photograph was taken in 2000.

中国边防部队的有关行动是例行性的巡逻活动,这是我昨天已经说过的。As I put it yesterday, Chinese border troops were on a routine patrol operation.